My partner and I have just moved into a new apartment. Our old apartment was quite small with not much space and our new apartment is a lot more spaceous and even has a room I'm using as an office since I work from home.

One thing I started doing at the beginning of the year was journaling at the suggesion of my therapist. I tried to do it when my gf wasn't home but this wasn't always possible so I used to dit on a differnt sofa and make sure my laptop screen couldn't be seen. I mentioned to her what I was doing.

With our new apartment we only have 1 sofa so I have started doing it in my office. I'll sit in there for maybe 1 hour a day to write and to get a short bit of time to myself to decompress. My gfs hours at work have changed so I can't do it when she's at work now since she finishes before I do.

I've done this for just over a week now and last night she mentioned she thinks its strange that I'm spending so much time in the office. I told her she knows what I'm doing and that it's only 1 hour a day and that we still spend a lot of time together. She said it's still strange that I shut myself away after work instead of sitting in the living room with her.

I just repeated that she knows what I am doing and that there's no other way for me to do it. She said I was being selfish by not considering how it's making her feel but I just said she was the one being selfish by refusing to understand why I'm in the office and making it all about her.

She said I was out of order and that I was being unreasonable.

AIW for spending time in my office each night?