I've never been the best at OW, but I've always consistently place around mid plat and high gold for most of my time playing the game. The big issue I'm currently facing is the ramdom difficulty spikes in ranked matches. Around the end of season 10, the difficulty in matches seemed to spike out of nowhere. I'd typically win about 6 out of every 10 matches I played to going on these long 8 game loss streaks. I don't want to blame matchmaking, but it would seem like the people I was grouped with didn't care to hold points or push objectives. I wasn't the mvp by any stretch, but I consistently had a good k/d. The matches I'm playing in silver are way harder than the ones in plat. I got an alt account to test this. I got it to plat 2 and the matches were no where near as hard. It's like the lower you go, the more you have to clutch in order to rank up, because the ranking system doesn't calculate your stats it only calculates your win and losses. I've literally lost more SR in games where I went 41/5 than in gsmes where I lost 8/7. And vice-versa I've gain little to no SR in games I won 39/3 and a lot in games I won with 8/0. The game is really unrewarding. I feel like I have to cluth every game in low elo in order to rank up and even then if your team is just filled with a bunch of buffoons who can't even win a 4v2, then all that hard work goes down the drain. I've clutched so many games to almost victories that have literally snowballed into a loss after I was eliminated. It really sucks how much we are penalized over a loss with great stats. Maybe I'm wrong or am missing something. Any advice or criticism would be welcomed.