Hey everyone,

I'm feeling really confused and a bit upset. My boyfriend recently won a decent amount of money from playing on Stake. Instead of discussing it with me, he sold his old car and bought a newer model without even mentioning his win or his plans.

I understand it's his money and he can do what he wants, but I feel like in a relationship, big decisions like this should be talked about, right? It's not just about the car; it's the fact that he didn't even think to include me in the conversation. We've been together for a while, and we usually discuss important things together.

I'm not sure how to bring this up without sounding like I'm mad about the car itself. I just want him to understand that it's more about the communication and consideration.

Has anyone else dealt with something similar? How did you handle it? Any advice on how I can approach this conversation without it turning into a big argument would be really appreciated. Thanks!