My (51M) wife (54F) and I have been married for 23 years but our sex life has always been mediocre. She is pretty vanilla. She won't even give me oral sex. Part of the problem is that I have a hard time making her orgasm. It's not for lack of trying. I go down on her but she doesn't seem to like it. She has an orgasm maybe 20-25% of the time if I rub her clit while we do missionary or doggy which are the only positions she will do. Despite that she says it feels "nice" and she enjoys the intimacy.

I remember one time when we were first dating I hadn't made her orgasm yet despite trying hard and I asked her if she was able to get there with her other partners, because I was starting to think it wasn't just me. She confirmed that she had difficulty with other men as well and only had orgasms "sometimes." However, she did share that there was one guy who always managed to get her off every single time. So of course I asked what he did differently and she said she couldn't say why it was so good with him but it just was.

Since then I did manage to get her to orgasm (at least sometimes) but I do think she would be more into sex if I could make her orgasm more often.

I have been going to therapy lately to deal with some issues like depression and in one session my therapist and I discussed that I was dissatisfied with my sex life. I brought up the fact that I felt inadequate because I couldn't make my wife orgasm like that one guy had.

When I told her that she looked incredulous and said: "Why the hell did she tell you that?"

I told her that I was trying to be a better lover and asked my wife (girlfriend at the time) if there was something I could do differently or if it was an issue with her end and so she told me.

She said: "Okay, so did she tell you what you could do differently?"

"No, she didn't."

"So she just said that to make you feel bad?"

"Well... probably not trying to make me feel bad..."

"Did it make you feel bad?"


"I think that was incredibly insensitive of her."

That makes me curious. Lots of people say their spouse is the best sex they ever had, but for the couples where that is not true does your spouse know that? How did they accept that? My wife isn't the best sex I have ever had either, but I would never in a million years come out and tell her that so bluntly.