Maybe you don't want to be describing your daughter's breasts and ass as the epitome of sexy on reddit...or anywhere else in life.

They are fully cooked, just like bread or bagels. Toast them if you like!

I had the same reaction. Mind you, I also felt that way about Daphne. She looked even younger to me.

You'd be surprised by how many people are not being absolutely facetious. Many people in our society view dogs like an accessory.

"It is now his dog." No, no it isn't. If I save a child, that child doesn't belong to me. I get what you are expressing, but dogs aren't belongings that you can just pass from family to family. Regardless of any wrongdoing by whoever was supposed to be watching him, this dog probably loves the family and home he already has. I wish people didn't view animals as possessions like this.

He weighs around 135 and is tall and he has the audacity to make jabs about YOUR physical appearance? Doesn't sound like he has the muscle mass to do chores in the heat! The fact that he cuddles you while he pokes at your sore spot doesn't make it any better.

I just stuck with my family physician. I thought he might refer me to my gyno, but he set me up with .5 estradiol pill and 100mg progesterone after doing my bloodwork.

Everytime she bent over to hide her writing paraphernalia they filled the screen!😄

It isn't a subtle joke. It's a kind of funny way to wrap up the meeting, and people laugh good naturedly. That's it. You are strangely invested in this.

I was an adult before I saw anybody eat a steak that wasn't well done and I was horrified! 🤢

😆I would love to see this! Keeping those fingers grease free!

Finally something that's actually bizarre and not super common like grilled cheese and ketchup! I have never encountered toasted cheese dipped in coffee, but I'm super curious to try it now!

Yes, I was just thinking...that sounds like rice pudding!

Yeah, I'm having the same problem. I'm going to have to pick up the phone and start enquiring, I guess, though phoning people is my least favourite thing to do!😄I followed you in the hope that you post if you find something. I will let you know if I find something suitable. Good luck!

I am going through the same search! How mobile is your parent? I don't think mine can manage the steps or ladder.

Cottage cheese or cream cheese frosting?

Your therapist sounds really biased. It's a shame that you feel inadequate because it seems like you are doing everything right by striving to please her sexually. Sometimes we don't know what turns us on until it happens! I know you say her tastes are kind of vanilla, but maybe surprise her with some completely different moves, or a toy, maybe some spicy reading material. Don't give up. You both deserve this!

I've been dealing with the same! Thank goodness for protein drinks or I'd be getting no nutrition lately. I did read The Edible Woman maybe 30 years ago! I don't think that's going to encourage you to eat!😄I will say, I just started estradiol and progesterone, and it has brought back a bit of my appetite. Our hormones are really in the driver's seat, unfortunately!

Never has the phrase "too little, too late" rang more true! Congratulations on your successes!

That's so great! I have both my mum and my 22 year old in our 3 bedroom apartment and space is tight!😄 I'm enjoying it while I still have it, though. They won't be here with me forever.

It's not new. I remember hearing it more in the early 80's when Australian culture became really popular in North America. It's like when "eh?" was common in Canada. It has annoyed me for decades! A more recent irritating thing for me is people starting every story with "So,..." Hate that.

If people are coming down hard on your husband, it's a direct result of the way you've painted him. I'm not sure what you were hoping to get out of this post. You really dragged your husband, and a lot of people on here think they can assess your marriage off of one angry post.

I thought the same thing! Who finds something like that and makes absolutely no effort to find the rightful owner? Pretty disheartening to see.