Dude, I had a massive tear giving birth and my vagina still hurt 6 weeks out. Whoever made the 6 weeks time standard needs to be smacked. Most of the women I know still had pain then.

3-6 months was the average in my circle.

No they just prevent dems from getting unified. It’s still a problem if they were to gain more control over the party.

And regardless of party affiliation. Extremism is a massive problem.

In my area, urban hiking means going out to one of our numerous city parks that has miles of loop trails and does include some decent elevation changes.

My food bowl is empty, my owner don’t care….

My food bowl is empty, perish I will….

Sung in the classic blues beat.

Extremism exists on both sides. And the sentiment that eradicating rivals by a claim of the moral high ground is exactly what your rivals are also claiming. It’s the same coin.

We need cool heads and a return to balance.

It sounds like they are still in alignment together though.

Daniel is the only one who hasn’t yet proven to be a toxic abuser. And I’ll take his acerbic wit in a heartbeat over being trauma bonded to Lesrat or Armand. Lois was always too whiney for my tastes.

Because no one can predict the future and if one of them decides to end it, you’ve put yourself in a position where you may be on the hook for paying for a house you no longer have the right to live in. Or have someone who didn’t put anything into the house be entitled to half.

In this case the house is already a joint asset simply by the fact that it’s being paid for through their joint account. So it’s sort of moot.

Also, some mortgage companies won’t allow it either in the terms of their loan documents. OP’s husband will need to check with his lender on if that is an issue. Banks block it because if the person isn’t in the mortgage but on the deed then it creates another party they have to deal with in the event of a dispute.

Nope and being bed bound means you loose muscle but still require calories to fuel your healing. Loss of muscle lowers your metabolism though. So some weight gain is to be expected.

Regardless, none of that is what OP came here asking. OP is more than aware of her own weight and impact in her health. She doesn’t need high minded internet strangers dog piling on her acting like the fat police.

Since it’s your dad’s business you have a lot more Lee way to talk to him without worrying too much over professional standards.

Tell him you need to discuss an important issue happening at work. Then address the issue by being factual. What are there specific behaviors that is making everyone uncomfortable? If it’s just the fact he is cheating, then you can’t act on that. That’s not in the purview of the business unless you happen to have a morality clause (and those are hard to get away with having) you can only address the behavior happening on site.

Here’s how I would phrase it in my job:

“Mr D, we have a serious issue with X and Y creating an uncomfortable work environment. Several coworkers have come to me individually to report their discomfort with (insert specific incident). My concern for the company is if this behavior persists, then we may loose key employees or face a lawsuit (if behavior falls under state guidelines for sexual harassment.)

Do we have any policies in place on fraternization? If not, we should craft one and run it by our employment attorney before implementing it. It’s important that we maintain a comfortable work environment for all employees that is professional and respectful of everyone.”

Absolutely not. You assume they aren’t already having these conversations with their doctors. No one appointed you or anyone else the keeper of weight. Your personal view or belief you have the moral high ground does not make it ok. It’s just a way to justify being a bully.

So stay in your lane unless invited.

As a general rule, it’s a terrible idea to put someone on the deed but not on the loan/mortgage.

OP, if the mortgage is being paid out of a joint account, he’s made this marital property by a process called comingling.

If you are worried about losing the house in the tragic event of death, you can address that via the wills.

Question: do you have a pre-nup?

If the mortgage is getting paid out of a joint account then his already made the house marital property by comingling it.

So in a divorce this would make the house part of marital property.

But it also important to not offer unasked advice comments on weight loss.

By all means have compassionate conversations with loved ones but leave strangers alone unless they specifically ask.

Whole lot of people jumped in to shame OP for the weight gain and tell her how to lose it. That wasn’t the advice she was looking for.

Hugs to you. I’ve been there. It’s hard when the person who is supposed yo love you and lift you up is the person tearing you down.

You’re doing the rights things. Keep going to therapy. Keep walking. Start building a support system. Work on yourself. It’s never too late to start a new life.

I’m rooting for you.

Rock on. Both for having the courage to ask and for handing his response gracefully.

I got you. You deserve to be treated with kindness even when it’s a difficult conversation topic.

Wishing you a continued healing journey.

Oh good grief these comments. OP wasn’t asking for weight loss advice or for people to pile on with the fat shaming. Jeez.

OP your spouse was an AH for how he spoke to you. While it’s completely reasonable to be concerned about a partner’s weight gain, discussing it needs to be done with some sensitivity and compassion.

Something like “I love you and since your surgery I can’t help but notice how much weight you have gained. That can’t be helping your back issues or feel great. I’m worried and want to see you get that under control so I can have you with me for a long time enjoying life. How can I support you?”

Possibly. I’ve had to do some harassment investigations and the truth comes out. If she’s having these kinds of conversations then it’s unlikely no other coworkers are privy to this and in an internal investigation, it would most likely come out that she was discussing her sex life.

Depending on the company, both of them would probably get fired just to head off any more headaches down the road.

The bigger concern from an HR issue is having another employee file a complaint over hostile work environment due to the nature of their conversations. Sexual harassment doesn’t have to be directed at an individual for it to occur. Two employees having graphic sex discussions can be sexual harassment if others are over hearing it and feeling uncomfortable by it.

Nope. She’s like now I can sleep in peace knowing murder mittens is on guard.

😢 that’s awful Dakota’s parents did that. My heart breaks for him.

But well done dad! Thanks for being a loving parent and being a safe place for your kid to just be his best authentic self.
