If I hadn't thought so on site I would've gone to children hospital the city i live in to get x-ray and all that or followed up with family dr but it is obvious ok as she can turn neck no bumps etc no swelling no vomiting no loss of consciousness

Bchousing manages all subsidy housing whether profit or not

I wanted kids close in age so they are 18 months apart and 12 months apart

Legally ok but I tell my kids no it's too early and to wait

My child got crushed said neck hurt in bouncy child by a child who is about 120 lbs I got first responders to check her out on site who said range of mobility in neck fine to not worry

Rule out all medical causes plus genetic syndromes with testing

Rule out all medical causes plus genetic syndromes with testing

Hi there ,my name is Erin m a sahm in Vancouver Canada if you'd like to chat I'm available or in the summer if you need more company or support can fly out 😊

The Okanagan is nice , also Vancouver Island imo humble opinion wherever there is water will cool down and feel better

Where do you live if you live near me Vancouver Canada I can spare some time in summer 9-330 to lend a hand ,sahm but my littles going to daycamp

Hmm I have 13 so imo personality varies wildly however they will bond but fight and can be completely enemies so it's just about being open minded and flexible and understanding that you as parent don't mold personality or temperament

What kind of car you looking for ? All receipts for maintenance provided .

It's not really a bad thing is it ? It comforted your child let it go

Usually my Husband does this and it was an argument because he is chinese and we live in Canada but all my male relative do it , now that our kids are older young teenager they should do it but often they don't so unfortunately falls on husband

Goodness no I have more kids than most and I wear whatever I want to my clothes,my hair, my hair color, my makeup,my whatever good ness never ever give someone else that power much love sent

Can you private message me please I will give contact info and address