I've moved to Vancouver 1 day ago and need to buy a car immediately. I want to buy used and want to keep the process simple but also ideally cost effective. My understanding is:

  • dealership is more reliable than private as far as information about the car but more expensive
  • there is no such thing as a mandatory yearly checkup so car history is hit or miss and the best I can do is look up the VIN
  • I will need to swap my UK driver's license for a Canadian one asap
  • I need to choose the car and complete the sale, then buy insurance and then register it and get plates? This bit I'm really not sure about, I read somewhere that I should take the previous owner with me incase there are existing fines against it which just sounds ridiculous. But I'm confused in what order I need to do things.
  • my no claims likely won't be valid over in Canada
  • I need to prove previous driving experience?

Please correct any assumptions, especially the one about order of doing things. It sort of seems like going to a dealership might be the way to go but will obviously be more expensive. Thanks for any help!