I apologise for my english but its not my first language.

So we had a traumatic birth,it was a forceps delivery. Baby was born with torticollis, plagiocephaly and facial assymetry. Husband was the first one that noticed torticollis at the beginning. We went through a lot of therapies, abroad as well. Still hasn 't been fully resolved Baby is wearing a helmet now. Husband read all possible studies available.

Baby is now 7 months and one week and 3 weeks ago he started saying the baby doesn't babble and again started reading obsesively about it.s

He is now saying that baby is not acting like a normal baby. She is not making eye contact like she used to,its very hard to make her laugh ( and we try hard), she is not answering her name. We have lots of fridge magnets and she really likes to stare and laugh at them, and husband thinks its not ok.

As I said the most important is that she doesn't babble, she is blowing raspberies sometimes only and she is constantly making a sound with mouth closed like a mmmm sound, even when she is excited. This is the only thing that I agree with him.

She is also crying a lot, she is hyperactive and needs atention all the time. She can t play by herself , peacefully more than a few minutes.

I am desperate and I told him we will seek help even I don t share the same thoughts with him and only thinking that my daughter could have something makes me crazy. I am one step of going crazy actually.

He said he thinks he is going towards depression because of this and I said he should see a therapist but either way he is convinced its something wrong with her.

Please tell me your thoughts because I fell like i am going crazy.

We also have a pediatrics appointment next Wednesday and we will mention all this.