Me too, I loved Enloe when I gave birth last year. I know everyone has a different experience but I am surprised to hear this

My son stopped making eye contact and didn’t respond to his name around the same age. My husband could make him laugh but I couldn’t no matter how hard I tried. He’s fine now at 11 months. I think he was just growing and focused more on his environment.

Fast food pays $20 an hour now and all of them have huge hiring signs.. there are very few reasons to be homeless that aren’t ’by choice’.

Crazy that it’s $6 for 2 as a once a week special just a few years ago they were regularly $2.50 each and had way more filling.

Thank you He is nursing more often right now luckily

They are Hispanic and pass down the same names so many of the family go by their middle name. I think this might have something to do with it but he has his own name so maybe it is a f-u.

Kissing my son and now that he is older instructing him to kiss them. My in-laws all do this and I HATE it. He is a person not a toy..
also calling him by his middle name- why?

I use t mobile also- half the cost of Xfinity and hasn’t let me down working from home

Nobody spreads misinformation like an anonymous redditor with an ax to grind.. good grief

It would also take away the chance for your children to completely have their own identity. Good for you OP.

Born and raised in the area and never even heard of tacos el líder. Mi Jalisco and la familia are honestly so good and authentic (at least la familia I know the food is made by women who grew up in Mexico and El Salvador)

I just switched to T-Mobile internet and it works surprisingly well for less than half of what comcast was charging me and I work from home and game.

There isn’t much in Chico anymore. There’s not a ton of good food, not many good bars or places to hang out, if you need any sort of healthcare beyond annual checkups you will be referred to UC Davis 2 hours away, if you have kids there are absolutely no pediatricians accepting new patients besides newborns being discharged (I’ve been trying for a year) and there really aren’t many well paying jobs anymore (unless you want to flip burgers, stupidly). Many many homeless and guns, stabbing, burglary. If I could afford it I might live in SLO but honestly I think you’d be hard pressed to find anywhere nice in CA anymore.

My in-laws do this too. First my MIL said “noooooo” when we told her we were having a boy but now she calls him her baby, says he’s so lucky to have “3 great moms” (referring to herself, me, and my mother) or calls him papacito or adds ‘quitas’ to his name- I find all of it annoying. I try to playfully say “say: my name is _! Huh?” Whenever someone in his family does that. Ultimately tho I’ve had to remind myself that he is just very loved. He won’t be a baby forever and most of that will likely stop as he gets older.

That study is embarrassing. Pumps are free with insurance, extra vitamins supplements aren’t really necessary, helpful maybe but not necessary, and you don’t need to take extra time from work. Also, the cheapest formula I could find still costs 1619 a year if your baby only consumes the bare minimum recommended a day and wastes none of it so I don’t know where they are getting those numbers either.

YTA it’s weird to invite people to an event like that and not allow them to bring their partner. If you can’t afford that many people then downsize or don’t throw a wedding. You allow people to bring their partners to ensure nobody feels out of place and everyone has a great time. Trust me, you won’t have free time to care who they are on the day and they won’t be in many photos and if they are in photos you care about it will likely be in the background or you can edit them out.

I think people who may have found it easier are sometimes less willing to share that as well. Those experiences don’t always go over well with people who didn’t.

My baby and I had a few tough things like terrible dairy intolerance and tummy upset but honestly I didn’t find the newborn stage to be as hard as I was told to expect. Even waking up several times a night- we just learned to adjust and it wasn’t a big deal. No, I didn’t have the same time to myself but it was worth the trade.

How is your son doing now? My son is turning 12 months this week and is also (measuring myself) 27”

I’m fused t10-12, smaller than some but I was never told any of the things you’re mentioning. I was walking within an hour of waking up and they were ready to discharge me after 2 nights at the hospital.

I’m no expert but everything I’m finding on says as long as both parents agree you can apply to amend a name on the birth certificate

My son will be 1 next week and he knows what a tv is and he asks to turn it on pretty much daily. However we don’t always do so or only put on ‘hey bear’ for 30-40 mins. I didn’t want to allow tv time but my husband has a harder time entertaining him so this has been a good compromise for us. Our son really just wants it on for the music and will just glance at the tv while he plays. It’s also been nice because just the soundtrack works as a nice distraction while driving or other instances where tv is not an option if he gets fussy.

You are the one not understanding equity. Percentages determine equity not dollar amounts. His ex was far from having family funds ‘lorded over her’