The dude must be very lonely, so it's his way of being close to females.

Unfo there's nothing much you can do. Unless you sincerely wish to help him and ask him out on a date? :)

Ir valstis arī ar mazāku populāciju, kas turas kopā.

600 000 iedzīvotāju - piemēram, Montenegro

Šis izskatās tā, ka tur vajadzēs pašai stylot matus katru rītu, ne tikai griezumā tā lieta


This reminds me of my partners parents, who told me I had to SLAP THE INFANTS HAND, preferably hard, so he stops grabbing me by the hair...

Your wife could have lied, because she didn't feel like admitting she has difficulties with orgasming.

Also, there are women who obviously require more clit stimulation to get there, so toys are the way to go.

The therapist, though... Yeah. No comment

:CH: Switzerland

Makes sense! I think I'm closer to understanding them now, hehe

:CH: Switzerland

The law doesn't distinguish between "real" and "fake" crimes. Things/Actions are either legal or not.

And how is UBS related to this?

Viss būs štokos. Pa Rīgu var mierīgi braukāt, nav tur nekas traks

Please check the state of Zermatt, it got flooded this weekend.

Perhaps Jungfrau will be the only possible option

LSM.LV dažreiz publicē rakstus par tautiešu atgriešanos

Imagine this. You're still with your current partner, but meet a man whom you like a lot.

Would you be able to make a move on him? Probably not, cause first you'd have to break up with the current partner. Also, would your "imaginary crush" appreciate a date who's hiding her relationship status? Or a date who is still finalizing the divorce? (Or even better - your crush is in the same spot as you are now. Wouldn't you wonder why he doesn't break up and keeps living with the person he doesn't really love?)

Overall, I think you (for some reason) were convinced that love will be stronger with time, the more time you spend together, the better you bond. But for this you'd need a partner who thinks alike, not sexts other women and then lies to you about it. I'm sure deep down you feel disappointed and betrayed.

Ja ir vēlēšanās strādāt tieši šajā jomā, tad labāk specializēties psihiatrijā (kas ir medicīnas grāds).

Vai esi bijis kādā no Uni atvērto durvju dienā?

Kāpēc "būtu" ? Vai pat-s/-i tur neatrodies? :)

Igaunijā ir forši Spā, kāds arī te bija ieteicis. Pārāk tālu nav jēgas braukt, pēc pāris gadiem būs labāk, kad mazais paaugsies

Pati es pirmoreiz biju ārzemēs 6 g.v., senči paņēma auto no opas uz aizveda uz Lietuvu, skatīties Trakaju pili.

Tas bija mazs pārsteigums pirms es sāku mācīties pirmajā klasē.

Diezgan specifiski! Kāpēc tā?

Mana labā draudzene ņēma gan studiju, gan studējošā kredītu. Visu atmaksāja.

Tikai strādāja viņa gan citā jomā, nebija saistīts ar mācībām )))

My mother told me she went for a PhD only to be "smarter" than me. Spoiler: she never graduated.

She also told me (straightforwardly, just like that) that I'll never be better than her. I was 15 at that time.

Man bija līdzīgi.

Es jau intervijas laikā teicu, ka būs jābrauc prom uz nedēļu, jo tas un tas ir bijis ieplānots gadu iepriekš... Viss bija ok, aizbraucu un miers

Bildēs izskatās iespaidīgi... Bet es tur nedzīvotu

Ko tad viņi sastrādāja Serbijā?

What is this weird obsession with own daughters' thighs?? I've heard this soooo many times, from my mother also!