I think a better equivalent would be vaginismus or chronic dryness. Both truly makes it very difficult or straight up impossible to have sex just like ED.

Since OP has said her bf said convert instead of revert and that technically Muslim men are allowed to marry women that aren’t part of their religion, it’s possible to that it’s a different religion.

If he thinks it, time to end the relationship, if he doesn’t time to even more end the relationship because he is the kind of person using lies to hurt you during an argument.

After almost 6 months in general you if you love the person or know enough to not say you are thankful to not love them.

It depends on where you are from, around here most service dogs are given already trained you do not choose a dog and start training them hopping in two years they will be a good. You to an organization that specializes in services dogs for your specific issues they constantly are training new dogs. My friend was on a waiting list for 3 months and got her fully trained dog for free after that (most get government funding).

A lot of people seem to give advice as if OP was a man (explaining things about women as if OP wasn’t one lol) so you aren’t the only one that made the mistake!

Tbh, without any explanation, I would assume he is hiding a wife and/or a family. He is a decade older than you so wouldn’t be surprising tbh

Since most people that fake having use the service dog vest, I wouldn’t say it will make people believe it’s a service dog tbh.

That’s what I was thinking. Like unless the dog wasn’t behaving properly I would assume it’s a service dog.


Can some explain? I dont understand what they are trying to say

Well, I am pretty short. My inner arm tattoo is 10cm and takes 95% of the space. So I don’t really have the choice to get them medium or small in general.

From what I have been told it’s partly luck and good blood circulation can help so massaging the area could maybe help a little?

Tbh if I saw you in the street, I would just see a cis woman. I guess if I look for it for a while, I could see people thinking your posture is more masculine?

I mean having seen my friend’s parents eat pretty much any of their farm animals that died from old age, (it was a pet farm) it’s not that far fetched to think some people could try turning it into a profit lol.

My periods are like that every other month.

You are saying they are newly irregular and heavier tho? I would want hormones levels tested if I were you. Unless you had big change (like losing or gaining tons of weight) that can affect periods of course.

Also 8h with a tampon often leads to leakage for most people with at least a medium flow.

Second but make sure too look up the requirements for passport’s photo in your area. This wouldn’t be approved here. It always sucks to send all the paperwork and need to wait weeks to then be told part of it isn’t valid.

Did her fontanel eventually close? My friend lost her dog because of an open fontanel. Her chihuahua was 2yo and it was still open (somehow went unnoticed) and the dog passed away from slipping on the floor hitting her head on the opening. It’s such a big fear for me each time I get a dog since then.

Life threatening side effects usually occur within a couple hours. Annoying symptoms can appear up to the next day in general. She is likely totally fine if she hasn’t had any symptoms yet.

So true lol. Like chill dude, just dont go there if you dont like it. Why get so upset lol

Which is why they said statistically not every individual lol

Serious Relationship

If you are worried, why not wear a non push up bra for one of your dates? Like that you are sure he will know before and you avoid the awkward moment of saying it out loud.

I mean she still could. Would it be ideal? No. Would it be better than blaming you and letting her in the streets? Absolutely.