Pro tip: if you do end up in a situation where you must clean up something disgusting, breathe through your mouth, wear a mask or bandanna over your nose & mouth if possible, and most importantly, don’t look directly at it! Use your peripheral vision as much as humanly possible.

That’s not how I would describe it, but once in awhile my husband and I will jump in the shower together and absolutely I’ll lather him up all over

Yeah, it can be a turn on to do it occasionally for fun, but as soon as you start doing it because he’s either incapable or uninterested in doing it himself it’s an immediate turn off.

There’s a lot of considerations, but on its face, if my sister was a struggling widow and I could afford to help her out, I would want to. I don’t think that’s weird.

I don’t know how normal it is, I think my parents are kind of overly generous, but what you’re describing doesn’t sound normal either and in a much worse way. They pay for my car insurance still, they’re contributing most of the money for my wedding this year, and they regularly buy my kids things they need like new clothes, shoes, coats etc. I have to turn things down sometimes because it just seems like too much. Sometimes my mom will just randomly e-transfer money to my account. My husband’s family is the opposite, but mostly because they just can’t afford to be anything else.

I’m 37, also getting married, and my parents still help me financially. They don’t have to, of course, but with the way prices for everything have shot up the last few years it’s really appreciated. We would manage without their help, but we’re a lot more comfortable with it

I’ve never been to Australia, and was not aware until reading this post that it’s an Australian saying because it’s pretty common here too.

Common doesn’t mean healthy though. So while no one should feel ashamed for having these kinds of thoughts, they should consider some kind of therapy if they find those thoughts overwhelming, or impacting their lives.

Seems like she does go sometimes, but expecting her to go every time to an activity she doesn’t enjoy is a recipe for resentment. You don’t have to do everything together all the time, having individual interests and time alone on occasion is healthy.

If you press charges there’s a good chance that either you both get arrested, or even just you since you got violent first. Just get out of the relationship before either of you gets seriously hurt or your lives get blown up by legal problems. And get some therapy, which isn’t exactly legal advice, but may help you avoid similar legal issues in the future.

I dated a guy like that. At one point he developed carpal tunnel syndrome and accused me of causing it by injecting him with poison in his sleep. The sad part is he also had periods of lucidity where he could see he needed help, but the hospital kept turning us away. Eventually it blew up into a mess that took years to crawl out of.

I have a lot of driving anxiety, I didn’t even have a license when I moved here but this has forced me to get comfortable with it. Except major highways, there’s just none here to practice on. I’ve also had to become a better cook, since takeout is so impractical. So even the inconveniences have their benefits. But it’s not for everyone, that’s for sure.

I’m a Canadian who wandered in here by accident, but I say this all the time. It’s just a way of saying “don’t worry about it, no big deal” usually in response to someone doing the typically Canadian thing of apologizing for something that doesn’t require an apology

Make sure in future you have All Perils coverage. Having collision & comprehensive separately doesn’t cover theft by someone you live with, but All Perils does. And it usually costs the same or sometimes a bit less.

Unless you live in an area with a lot of more committed thieves. Then you keep your doors unlocked and your car empty or you’re constantly replacing windows.

Ontario cottage country - the part I live in has no public transit, no taxis or Uber, no food delivery and the nearest everything is at least a half hour drive. So living here involves a lot of driving. The massive influx of cottagers on the weekends, especially long weekends, also takes some getting used to. It could take me up to 15 to get out of my office parking lot at the end of the day today.

A (very trashy) girl I know didn’t put her kid in school until grade 1 and he was so far behind the other kids they moved him down to kindergarten. But she also made zero effort to teach him anything at home.

What’s sexist about saying that men that leave misogynistic comments online clearly hate women?

Sorry, that wasn’t what I meant to imply, I was just trying to give a different perspective.

For me, it’s the other way around. I’ve never been able to get much satisfaction from a one night stand, but I have had some great nights with my husband while the kids were sleeping. But I have a hard time enjoying sex with zero emotional connection. And my husband knows exactly what I like. But I see a lot of dead bedroom posts on here so I get that marital sex isn’t going as planned for everyone.

He’s fucked up either way. If her “list” has more than one or two names on it he’ll just start hyper-focusing on that instead. This isn’t an open and honest discussion of sexual history, this is an attack of extreme insecurity and it will probably only get worse if he’s not able to get a handle on himself.

How on earth do you manage a bath in 5 minutes? Even giving them zero time to play in the water that seems unreasonably fast. And where did it say he wasn’t brushing their teeth? Do you brush your kids teeth in the bath? I have just so many questions.

Have you been to Sobeys? It’s not much better price-wise. What I usually do is hit up the Foodland near my office on my lunch breaks a couple of times a week, and/or get produce from nearby farms so when I do have to go to the independent I’m at least buying less.