I'm white / Asian too and I always pull the same tricks. I revert to making them feel insecure. If they come near me I cover my nose and look disgusted as if they reek which makes them pretty insecure. Or "I'm sorry I don't have any spare change" if they try and speak to me. Or "sorry I don't want to buy any drugs, god bless you get well soon".

How have you changed your language since you learned about mbti MBTI Discussion

As a ENTP mbti has helped me understand how the outside world perceives me- and how to better present myself.

Before I learned about mbti I was often told I was argumentative and insensitive- which I never understood because I never intended on being either of those things.

Now before I debate an argument I usually pre-empt it by explaining why I'm taking that stance. It let's the person know I have no intention of malice and puts into context where its coming from and what my objectives are. For example "I'm just explaining how other people percieve this situation so we can better understand and empathise with why they think the way they do".

I will highlight the positive parts of someone's argument even if I disagree with it- it usually entices people to repeat those behaviours through the discussion. Ill also phrase my opposing argument as a question and avoid statements. For example "I totally agree that traditional gender roles have its merits and its a admirable thing for a man to want to provide for his family but what would you advise the men whos incomes are too low to financially support a family?"


"Struggle with grasping reality"

I think theres the fundamental misunderstanding- to ENTPs reality is ever changing and fluid. When you say we struggle to "grasp reality" i don't think that's the correct way of thinking about it because our problem is we have the ability to grasp EVERYBODIES reality at the same time and we're cursed to see EVERYONES perception all at once- we OVER grasp reality. that gives us the ability to tackle the same problem 50 different ways.

We get indoctrinated because we attend the cult meetings. If other mbti's actually took the time to listen to incel rhetoric or were raised on incel rhetoric they would be just as susceptible as us. We don't think we're outside of societal norms, we want to understand the people who are and through listening to those people sometimes we get dragged into their beliefs.

We care to understand our opposition and we welcome people to challenge us. We're the ones who step into the ring with the incels and sometimes we get our asses handed to us. We have the most contact with the opposition to we're at the most risk of getting "turned"

A.i trying to replicate ENTP mannerisms is hilarious and Eye opening Debate/Discussion

I downloaded this app called character.ai where people make their own a.i bot with written in characteristics and you can talk to them and they'll respond as captain Jack sparrow, or Elon Musk or whoever they've been designed to replicate.

And on my recommended characters theres a sea of "your ENTP Mafia boyfriend" - "ENTP rude boss" - "ENTP Yandere roomate" = the descriptions of the characters include words like "dominant 🤬" , "rude" , "logical", "persuasive 😏" and the pictures used for these characters are all like dommy mommies and guys with cigarettes. It's clear we've been type casted here folks.

I know you thought there were only 2 types of ENTP' type A and T but youre wrong. Aparently theres are three types of ENTPs, you're either a mafia Boss, Satan or a Werewolf. When you talk to these characters as well you get like a very "are you lost baby gorl" vibe. You type in "create a ENTP" into A.i and a.i's like "1 physcopathic 50 shades of grey sigma werewolf coming right up"


I think ENTPs are generally more attracted to abstract, eccentric and contrary ideas. We are the ones who are willing to sit there and give everyone a genuine chance, including the tin foil hat lunatics. Our openess and curiosity makes us more vulnerable to extreme ideas because we actually are willing to subject ourselves to ideas that challenge our and societal beliefs.

While other people will hear the Incel rhetoric and immediately shut down and leave the conversation, we will actually sit there and ask "why do you think that way" - "but what about this" - "yh but have you considered x y z" - that's a circumstance that VERY difficult for us to walk away from. We engage in that debate and even though we're known to be debaters we can loose them through being ill prepared and not well informed and if you've lost a debate to an incel that insinuates the incel is correct in your eyes.

We're not particularly susceptible to incel rhetoric we're more susceptible to contrary to popular belief rhetorics because we're willing to hear them out.

ENTPs and emotional intimacy vs sexual intimacy Question/Poll

I was wondering if this is a ENTP trait, but I treat my emotional intimacy the same way some people treat their sexual intimacy. If I open up before I'm ready or I'm pressured to be more vulnerable then I'm comfortable with I feel cheap and almost naked.

I can't create emotional connections through sexual intimacy like other people (the presence or absence of sex dosnt determine my emotions for someone, I will feel the same way about them afterwards) as all my connections comes from emotional intimacy. I can easily love someone I've never slept with and develop a deep romantic connection through simply talking. Being betrayed by someone I had sex with dosnt hurt nearly as much as being betrayed by someone I opened up to.

I think as we're Ne dominant we tend to think alot about the meaning behind peoples actions and sex dosnt always have meaning- a person might sleep with you just to scratch an itch. But opening up always absolutely does mean something.


You know that its a sport right. As in we do it for FUN. I don't train so I can assault people that's what you need to understand. I'm not kill bill, I'm not bat woman, I'm just enjoying a sport. How about we just don't attack each other?

I think ENTPs protect their emotional intimacy in the same way some people protect their sexually intimacy. Being emotionally vulnerable infront of someone is the ENTPs equivalent of being naked and if let someone see that part of me before I'm ready I feel cheap almost. You see it as wearing a mask I see it as keeping my cloths on. Not everyone in my opinion deserves to see certain parts of me.

Its a sport... I do for fun im not training to fight men or be the next johnwick. Im triggered because telling a woman that you could beat them up if you wanted to, completely unprovoked and taking pride out of making her feel unsafe in your presence is antagonistic. Any man that enjoys making women feel small and unsafe is a pathetic man. Im not defensive because you can hypothetically beat me up, Im defensive because youre a man I don't know and you felt the need to let me know that you could hurt me. If I turned to you and said "you know I could hit you with a car if I wanted to and there's nothing you'd be able to do about it" you'd feel just as threatened.

I'm often featured in marketing for the MMA classes on social media and in the comment section there will be alot of men saying things along these lines about me. Or I will be asked "what do you for fun" and when I say MMA immediately they bring up a hypothetical scenario where they beat me up.

Its the "And Im not misogynistic because my mum is literally a woman" vibe. The "I literally have a black friend" vibe.

I don't handle conflicts under extreme stress at all. I tend to disengage.

I usually find that when people resort to gas lighting and manipulation its because they're afraid of the reprocussions associated with accountability. They are also usually trying to win the argument, not find a resolution- when people do this I usually disengage as it takes 2 to find a resolution and if a resolution is not currently on the table theres no gain for me to even be in the argument in the first place. Youre literally arguing with someone who has no interest in resolving anything or taking accountability that's just dead end. Also if I myself am stressed that's futher reason to remove myself because chances are I'm not thinking with optimum rationality due to my stressed state.

If a 250lb guy came to you and said "you know I could knock you out if I wanted to" 100% you'd take that as a threat. I care because when a man (usually a man I don't even know that well) who is twice my size takes enjoyment and pride out the fact he has the capacity to harm me that a threatening thing.

"I know you've trained in MMA since you were 8 but when I'm angry I just see red bro" 💀 its interesting as well how these men never "see red" when they're around men bigger then them. Funny that

Its always the men who heavy breathe when they walk up stairs as well, it's NEVER the physically fit ones. Its the ones who know they'd get hulk smashed by other men so they punch down on women to feel superior.

Men who say women taking martial arts is useless Ultra Annoyed

I've always competed in judo, MMA and Bjj and the mere fact I participate in these sports seems to bother a select few men. Frequent conversations I find my self having include statements like "a man would still beat you in a fight though" Sir... I don't train to fight men. Its a sport. I do it for fun. I don't plan on becoming batman any time soon, I don't train so that 1 day i can assault people proficiently. If you start martial arts with the intention of being violent towards people one day thats weird behaviour.

Even the people I fight in competition, I don't want to actually hurt them. Most professionals come out of MMA matches unscathed because inflicting pain isn't actually the point of many combat sports its a unfortunate by product. Most people don't compete in martial arts for self defence they compete because they enjoy it as a sport.

Its strange when men feel the need to let me know that they could still beat me up if they wanted to, like does that make you feel good Tim? The fact you can hypothetically beat a woman up does that make you feel like a man? Because if we get in a fight Tim youre right I'm not using my martial arts I'd be using Blunt objects and a lawyer. Why is weather or not you could ASSAULT me proficiently if you wanted to a topic of conversation? All you're doing is flagging yourself as a potential threat. Its funny how they'll talk about how much bigger and stronger they are and how much of a advantage they have but then expect a fair fight in the hypothetical situation. Dont look at me funny when I pull out a taser. Youre right you are stronger congrats, let me get my baseball bat.

What was your sexual awakening? Discussion

We all had a sexual light bulb moment where we got that feeling in our stomach for the first time. Maybe it was a boy band, or the neighbour mowing the lawn shirtless, that moment where you looked at someone for the first time and felt "different".

For me it was when I was 16, I played piano in the local orchestra and there was a particularly charismatic viola prodigy. He was from a private school, very mature for his age, intelligent, and could pick up almost any string instrument with ease- that being said I never paid attention to him. I was an introvert at the time and I wasn't interested in boys... yet. Its very childish looking back but I remember 1 of my friends saying how the violin is the most difficult instrument- and how it makes the piano look easy.

My competitive streak couldn't tolerate such blasphemy so when everyone was out on lunch I picked up a violin thinking "it can't be that hard". I postured myself and put the bow to strings and made the most heinous sound to of ever entered my ear canals. The following 15 minutes was atonal screeching and cursing, until I heard the door and it was Mr.prodigy. I instantly felt embarrassed and put it back but to my surprised he offered to help. He fixed my posture and moved my fingers, and as he was explaining everything I started feeling strange. Like a rock was in my stomach and my face was hot. It wasn't until he came behind me and moved my elbow while talking into my ear did I metaphorically buckle. I literally felt like I was holding in squeaks and my brain went to mush.

You leave Eeyore out of this he LITERALLY has a nail in his ass. Eeyore has a valid reason to be depressed.

Is this a unspoken rule of public transport or am I just antisocial

When it comes to the bus in my head there are unspoken rules about seating arrangements. For example you don't sit next to someone on the bus if there are options to sit somewhere else. So let's say all the seats are empty all accept 1 person, you shouldn't go and sit next to that 1 person when all the other seats are available.

I feel like based on who you are also effects where you should sit. For example let's say you're a 55 Yr old man, and there's 2 seats available - 1s next to another 55 Yr old man and the other ones next to a 13 Yr old school girl- you should always pick the 55 Yr old man.

Am I weird for thinking that these are just silent bus rules we never speak outloud? Are these just made up in my head?

Literally just a personal account on learning difficulties

OK so as I said I competed in Judo. There are priviliges that I have, that I didn't work for that allowed me to compete at that level. I had financial privilege- my parents could pay for classes, travel and equipment, I had natural athletic ability; I put on muscle easily. I had parents that who fed me a good diet. If I didn't have those priviliges theres no way I would of competed at the level I did and thats just a fact. I'm humble enough to acknowledge that I have a unfair advantage over the kid with a low metabolism from a poor obese family - if that kid got frustrated with their situation id never fix myself to go up to them and say "me? I'm not priviliged" ESPECIALLY if I saw them training 5 times longer then me and still not being able to get on my level.

The intelligent kids arnt even being educated in same classrooms as the lesser ones. They literally divide maths classes based on abilities- the world where autistic kids are holding back prodigies dosnt exsist. I didnt even take the same exams as everyone else i had to take a easier version of the exam where my grade ceiling was a C- I didn't even qualify to even get the opportunity or attempt for a B or an A. Infact alot of special needs kids arnt even in the same schools. I may not be gifted academically, but im decent athletically and I would never go up to someone with scoliosis whos trying their hardest to keep up and go "what do you want a participation ribbon? You're a lesser and youre holding prodigies like me back"

Or you can just have empathy for people who are less fortunate then you? When I was in exstra education there were people with harsher struggles then me (inaudible, severe autism ext) and I acknowledged it and helped those around me.