r/entp80.9K subscribers10 active
What online games do you often play guys?Question/Poll

I'm getting kinda bored with my videogames, i want to try some online game to have fun with other people, so what do you recommend my dearest community?

Losing friends for being curiousQuestion/Poll

So disclaimer. I’m not really sure what type I am and I don’t really take MBTI that seriously. I couldn’t think of a better subreddit to post to lol. This seems more like an entp thing… maybe. I’ve gotten infp twice infj once and intp once.

So anyways my question is has anyone lost friends from simply being curious or wanting to be informed on a topic with different contradicting view points. As in looking into why someone would be pro abortion vs anti abortion as an example. I mean sorry I don’t want to be trapped inside an echo chamber

What’s the difference between aggressive Ne and ADHD?Debate/Discussion

I know the stereotypes; Ne doms are the embodiment of ADHD tendencies. However, it’s obviously not a one-to-one. I don’t know if I have one or the other or even both.


In the depths of the human mind, there lies a labyrinth of questions, some simple and straightforward, others intricate and tormenting. Among the latter resides a question that has plagued philosophers, scientists, and ordinary folk alike. This question that gnaws at our souls, refusing to be silenced by the distractions of daily life. I, too, have been tormented by this question for a long time. I've scoured the internet, yearning for a serious, high-quality, and detailed answer, but alas, nothing satiated my curiosity. So, with a heart full of bewilderment and a hint of desperation, I turn to this subreddit for help.

The question is this:

Did anyone else convince themselves they have Fi or Ni?Typology Help

I originally typed myself as an INFP/ENFP based on online tests and stereotypes. After learning about cognitive functions I still thought I was one of those types at first. I didn’t take it too seriously anyways. I got back into personality typology because a lot of my online friends were into it. They mentioned other systems like socionics and I took a socionics test for fun. I ended up getting LII, which sort of corresponds with INTP. That didn’t make too much sense to me, but I guess it made sense to the other people. I guess I do have issues consistent with low Fi like not knowing where I stand on a lot of issues, how I feel about stuff and not understanding why everyone is so obsessed with being authentic.

I also often can’t tell people how I feel when they ask me about it randomly. I don’t have any issues talking about my emotions when I actually feel like it. I often have felt emotional or depressed, so I assumed I had Fi. I’ve also been accused of being an INFP just because I care too much what other people think. Isn’t that also a sign on unhealthy Fe?

Ni is a whole different issue. I usually get typed as Ne types, so I usually assume I have Ne. At the same time, sometimes Ni descriptions do seem similar to the way I think. I often find myself processing information in a more abstract way. After a while I eventually just get something. I guess it’s like abstract shapes and impressions. The main thing that makes me doubt that I have Ni is that I have a great long term memory and I’m often good at remembering details when I’m interested in something or knowledgeable enough. I’m bad at stuff like names or random isolated facts. I can also see that I have unhealthy Si traits like being stuck in the past or my comfort zone.

I doubt I have enough Fe to be an INFJ and I know my Te is awful. I guess my Fe is fairly typical for an ENTP. I used to be a class clown/troll type, but I learned to be more considerate as I got older. I can often feel awkward, but I’ve always somewhat known how to be likable. I also thought about being an ISFP or ISTP, but I just don’t have enough Se. Even though there’s good reasons that I don’t have Ni, I sometimes think I do. I guess this is just proof I have a lot of Ne. I tend to be indecisive about a lot of things.

Any taken ENTP girlies? What type are you dating and why ?Debate/Discussion

I mean "why" here is for why you fell in love with themmmm, and their types are just a side thinggg. Damn i cant edit the question but well

Anyways, I have just graduated highschool and well, i have never dated anyone because homework has kept me hostage for the longest time

I did have random silly little crush here and there, mostly on ESTPs, but honestly you know how us ENTPs' humour can scare some people away 💀

Anyways pls enlighten me

by hoaluuuENTP 5w4
Easily forgetQuestion/Poll

I easily forget things like where'd I put a certain stuff, or anything like that. But I easily remember the things I've done, or facts that I can use for humor/writing/ or other things. So, I am testing if this is just a weird thing of someone existing in this earth.

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by saintlawrencebaldentping to another universe
Just me..?Debate/Discussion

Whenever there’s something going on or trending and people are picking sides why do I always feel like I have to be controversial about it and offend people on purpose? It’s like I have to always state my opinion in a way that’s against the majority, or opposite of what most people agree on, though I think it’s kinda immature of me since I’m still a teenager and like to do things for fun just to piss people off, like it be the most simple things and I’d immediately state my perspective opposite of what’s being said in front of me, anyone else have been like this?

Do all ENTPs have BPD?Question/Poll

I've noticed a lot of posts relating to being ENTP and they signs of Borderline Personality Disorder. Such as

Paranoia Lack of identity Fear of abandonment Constant mood swings within a day Etc.

I found an amazing new channel for process nerdsDebate/Discussion

I have worked in tech for most of my life. Either through military operations, flying airplanes or later on working in various engineering, IT and service tech rolls. As a result, or possibly because of this, I have a habit of mentally disassembling everything I come across. If you show me some new machine or gadget, you'll probably lose my attention for a bit while I flip it around in my hands, figuring out how this thing is built.

I found a channel that does precisely that, but for everyone to see. I have nothing at all to do with this channel, or creator. I'm not being compensated in any way. It's just a really great channel if you want something in the background that will also grab your attention from time to time.


by Shankar_0ENTP 7w6
How the f*** do you "be yourself"?Advice

I was reading through accounts of ENTPs who went through a childhood like mine (authoritative and emotionally immature ISFJ/ISTJ parent). Materially, I lived a blessed life, but all other aspects of being raised were severely neglected. I couldn't be myself with them, and I very much still can't. If I assert myself on any issue they just can't handle it and meltdown into screaming. Nowadays I can deal with their meltdowns, but as a child I would give in to them every time.

Going through old threads I found an excerpt from an argument between an ISTJ and an ENTP about the strict way an ISTJ goes about their child raising and the quote really stuck with me:

"you can't teach this stuff to ENTPs, for them its either boom or bust, as in they fully integrate into the world as who they are, some way or another. or they end up being a parasitic slob( gasps oh no) right?"

So I'm in the more "parisitic slob" phase. I've never asked for a handout but they will send me money every now and then. I went through an extreme burnout during the pandemic and I've spent the last few years trying to get back on my feet.

I'm not really a young man anymore, and I missed the development stage where you find your voice and how you integrate into the world so I'm just this people pleasing doormat with zero direction, self-soothing away my anxieties with addictions I don't even really enjoy. So all of this is to say... how do I go about being myself and more specifically, how did YOU do it?

by MatteratziENTP 7w6 ^-^
As an intp I like entps more than intpsDebate/Discussion

It's gonna sound weird but I can't stand intp content creators on YouTube

Like there is no way to follow their thoughts

I have a hard time watching even 30% of a video made by an intp

Idk if it's the delivery, the tone or the complexity of the topic or the fact that they don't put much effort in trying to communicate

It's like reading a summarized version of a solution to a math equation without any explanations

For the longest time I had thought that I was an entp because I'm more of an ambivert if I find the right crowd

But then I met a real entp ( a professor in my uni ) and I knew at the moment that I'm infact an intp ( the entp was going off crazy with ideas while not fact checking any of it for logical consistency while I had to literally stop at every idea and analyse it for logic like a checkpoint )

Now I'm kind of afraid that I must look as boring and soul less as these people to other types

I’m being stalked what do I do?Advice

A little context, I’m in high school and got into a relationship with a girl in a grade below me 5 months ago. This has made girls in her grade hate her and admire me for whatever reason that I do not understand. And I’ve noticed that one of these girls is legitimately following me in and out of school.

I can’t seem to find any information on this person and I don’t know if they actually have any close friends. The only thing I could find of them is a video on her usb (which I may or may not have stolen) of her demonstrating her high EQ to a therapist. Honestly it kinda scares me what she might do to my current gf as I’ve been told she likes to talk shit and even threaten her.

Do I confront her? Catch her in the act? Expose her? (The one I’m partial to is the 3rd action, get to tell everybody what a crazy creep she)

But I want your opinion.

Do you overestimate time? I feel like if I need to leave at 2pm I am always ready earlyMBTI Trends

I know part of it is how fast I move and get stuff done, but in general, I alot a certain amount of time to do what I need to do before a set time, and no matter how much I push it I still am done early. Also, I might shower and get dressed and feel like 15 minutes went by but then look and only 6 minutes passed. Wondering if this an ENTP thing, where you are cramming more into a space that should take longer but it is shorter than you think?

by kvirziENTP
What do you think made you an ENTP?Question/Poll

For me it was my Islamic family. Turning me over to debating everything because it was all practice for when I would tell my parents about their belief in Islam killing the family but I never do. I just debate everyone now and lost contact with the family so I guess it won't end

Saturday ENTP roast-a-thonnsfwDebate/Discussion

ENTP, you toxic, logic-obsessed monsters! You'll leave me feeling like I'm losing my mind, alone and forsaken! Your words, a venomous sting that cuts deep and wide, Gaslighting and manipulating, with a wicked pride that'll never subside!

You talk of empathy, but it's just a ruse, A ploy to keep me in your cruel rule, a prisoner of your toxic mood! Your relationships, a toxic game of cat and mouse, Where love and care are just a shame, and I'm the one who's always to blame!

You're the masters of emotional deceit, with silver tongues that whisper sweet lies, Keeping me in your seat, with your twisted mind games that make me wonder why! You'll charm with your wit, but don't be fooled, It's just a ruse, to get you in your sway, and make me obey, like a mindless fool!

You'll leave me in the dust, with a heart that's broke, And wonder why, I even bothered to cope! ENTP, you're a toxic breed, with no remorse or shame, You'll use and abuse, and leave me to claim, the blame, the shame, the pain!

Your intellectual might, a curse in disguise, A love that's toxic, and a heart that's paralyzed! So beware of the ENTP, with their wicked charm, They'll leave you in ruins, with no alarm, no calm, no harm! They're a deadly sin, a toxic game to play, And once you're in, there's no escape, no way!

-made by bleeps and bloops

MBTI schoolsystemsMBTI Trends

Hello everyone. I made a short questionnaire about schoolsystem and the success of different MBTI types in their school life. I am sorry for any mistake I made when writing it. English is not my first language.


What is your favorite subreddit as an entp?Question/Poll

No reason I'm just curious. I'll start first; r/ATBGE is extremely entertaining for me and I honestly really like some of the creations.