I downloaded this app called character.ai where people make their own a.i bot with written in characteristics and you can talk to them and they'll respond as captain Jack sparrow, or Elon Musk or whoever they've been designed to replicate.

And on my recommended characters theres a sea of "your ENTP Mafia boyfriend" - "ENTP rude boss" - "ENTP Yandere roomate" = the descriptions of the characters include words like "dominant 🤬" , "rude" , "logical", "persuasive 😏" and the pictures used for these characters are all like dommy mommies and guys with cigarettes. It's clear we've been type casted here folks.

I know you thought there were only 2 types of ENTP' type A and T but youre wrong. Aparently theres are three types of ENTPs, you're either a mafia Boss, Satan or a Werewolf. When you talk to these characters as well you get like a very "are you lost baby gorl" vibe. You type in "create a ENTP" into A.i and a.i's like "1 physcopathic 50 shades of grey sigma werewolf coming right up"