I've always competed in judo, MMA and Bjj and the mere fact I participate in these sports seems to bother a select few men. Frequent conversations I find my self having include statements like "a man would still beat you in a fight though" Sir... I don't train to fight men. Its a sport. I do it for fun. I don't plan on becoming batman any time soon, I don't train so that 1 day i can assault people proficiently. If you start martial arts with the intention of being violent towards people one day thats weird behaviour.

Even the people I fight in competition, I don't want to actually hurt them. Most professionals come out of MMA matches unscathed because inflicting pain isn't actually the point of many combat sports its a unfortunate by product. Most people don't compete in martial arts for self defence they compete because they enjoy it as a sport.

Its strange when men feel the need to let me know that they could still beat me up if they wanted to, like does that make you feel good Tim? The fact you can hypothetically beat a woman up does that make you feel like a man? Because if we get in a fight Tim youre right I'm not using my martial arts I'd be using Blunt objects and a lawyer. Why is weather or not you could ASSAULT me proficiently if you wanted to a topic of conversation? All you're doing is flagging yourself as a potential threat. Its funny how they'll talk about how much bigger and stronger they are and how much of a advantage they have but then expect a fair fight in the hypothetical situation. Dont look at me funny when I pull out a taser. Youre right you are stronger congrats, let me get my baseball bat.