Drummond. This dude is consistently better in 2K than he is IRL

This fucker has me ice skating around the court trying to keep up with him!

I once wrote an entire essay to my boss, the CEO of the company. And on a whim, decided to send it to my therapist first.

His reaction? "I'm glad you sent this to me first."

My guy called himself a predator. That's all I need to hear.

I also struggle with feeling attacked when I'm not. I've learned to take a few moments before responding, give the raging emotions a second to pass, so my rational side can return and observe more objectively what just happened. I've learned to try and understand the other persons perspective and how they can say what was said without it meaning what I took it as. It's helped avoid needless conflict.

I've also learned major self awareness and I'm aware of how I TEND to react to things and exactly what triggers me. It helps me avoid falling into the same traps over and over again. I learned that my reactions aren't my fault, they're the fault of my upbringing. I have pretty strong boundaries now, because I've learned to identify what triggers me and I avoid it as much as possible. I'm sorry to hear what you're going through and hope you find your path forward. Because there is one if you search for it.

Yeah, that's abusive. I'm sorry you dealt with that, and I can imagine that caused a host of issues down the road.

Your therapist shouldn't be telling you what you think, but rather offering explanations that may or may not resonate. If you feel it may be helpful to talk it over with your therapist, and see if the rupture is repairable before finding someone perhaps more specialized.

I would ask him to soften the delivery if anything, but he's technically doing what he should be doing.

Therapist here, tickling can trigger a PTSD response similar to being raped. It's not funny to the person who has something being done to their body without their consent and they cannot escape.

NTA. And your girl is an idiot.

Bro, if my therapist didn't call me out, I'd be a homeless, jobless man who thinks he's god and the savior of the planet.

Keep this man.

Seems like the most people know he isn't the AH. Women aren't a monolith so one reaction isn't even remotely representative of the rest. I'm sure crazies exist, but everyone I know would be mildly embarrassed but thankful as long as I'm discreet and don't point and laugh.

I didn't even have to enter the thread and I knew the Red Sox was the right answer. Good work, guys.

I tried this, but now my phone doesn't w-

I will drag Bidens corpse and run the country myself, Ala Weekend at Bernies if I have to.

Almost picked AJ still I got to the last pic...

That's crazy, but I guess there's crazies on both side. Still, a "psst" while motioning near his own top would've sufficed. And hard to be accused of staring at a boob when it literally flies out of your top.