I was wondering if this is a ENTP trait, but I treat my emotional intimacy the same way some people treat their sexual intimacy. If I open up before I'm ready or I'm pressured to be more vulnerable then I'm comfortable with I feel cheap and almost naked.

I can't create emotional connections through sexual intimacy like other people (the presence or absence of sex dosnt determine my emotions for someone, I will feel the same way about them afterwards) as all my connections comes from emotional intimacy. I can easily love someone I've never slept with and develop a deep romantic connection through simply talking. Being betrayed by someone I had sex with dosnt hurt nearly as much as being betrayed by someone I opened up to.

I think as we're Ne dominant we tend to think alot about the meaning behind peoples actions and sex dosnt always have meaning- a person might sleep with you just to scratch an itch. But opening up always absolutely does mean something.