Imagine needing to prepare for cake. The only real way to prepare is to get ready to eat as much as possible

"Hey dude! This Reddit post about you has over 1,000 upvotes!" "Oh cool! Which subreddit?" "Uhh...r/AmITheDevil"

Nah it sucks, but if you can have fun with it, by all means

"The following graveyard shift is scheduled for one fall with an 8 hour time limit!"

I'm pretty sure this 2head of a human isn't studying anything deep 🤡

To be frank with a lot of comments here, people with kinks like that exist. I've met plenty of people like that. The issue is that this off her trolley OP is not handling it well. You handle that on your own, or if you want to share that with another, they need to be accepting and tolerant of it, and also... NOT ALREADY IN A COMMITMENT AND ALMOST TWICE YOUR AGE!!

I have aspergers, so I am terrible in crowds, though I tend to deal with it when it's something important. What I don't do is assume everyone around me is stupid when doing so. <_<

"Scenes from my pants! Take the first one, Wayne!" reaches in "Uh that's not a paper"

Partassipant [1]

Bro, what the actual fuck?! Are you afraid your daughter's gonna 'catch' something from this girl? What are you protecting from her exactly.
She's right, you are a dictator, and I think you got some mental issues of your own.

That's not even all that stupid. It's more clever than literally every parody movie in the last 20 years

My dude! It's my fav Carrey movie! o/

Personal Foul! Not being Kansas City! Game forfeited!

Because that's what heroes do

*opens casket*
"Jack, go back to sleep"

"Imbecile. I command you to step out the door and contact thy turf!"

"You won't believe what your daughter is in to"
"Oh? And what is that?"
"Well, we have this long plastic..."

"It's a boy!" default dances "Honey, please lie back down!"

I never quit, but I learned real quick what moderation was literally last year. Was my birthday so I hit the bottle hard. At around 2 a.m., I went the bathroom to empty it, which I did, but next thing I knew I was waking up on the floor, face against the tub. I wasn't hurt but my leg was numb from bring laid on awkwardly. Now I portion my glass to about 1/5th of what I'm drinking it with and only ever have 2 or 3 a night

"Drive around to the next window please"
*Knee Deep In The Dead starts*
*Drives around while pulling shotgun from the back*

"How'd the gender reasignment go?" low blows to no effect "Well, I see"

Doc: "Alright men. Form an orderly line, and we'll train a run on her- er, rain a trun on her- eh... run a train on her"