So, I am LDS (please, no hate, I don't agree with a lot of their stuff, especially LGBT), but I was raised Catholic and spent time in Protestant churches as a teen. So, my anxiety regarding human interaction has been crippling since my last nervous breakdown last year. The ladies coming to visit to see how I am? Panic attack. The bishop coming to see if I need anything? Anxiety for DAYS. These are super nice, honestly concerned, non-judgmental people. When I explained my situation, the bishop gave me a blessing, and hopes I would be feeling better soon, and that they would be there for me. I don't know how to deal. I've caught myself missing the Catholic church, and I realized it was simply because no one pays attention to you there. You may get to say hi to the priest on the way out, but no one else will bother you. When I was a kid, I thought it was lonely, and I had no one to go to for support and help, but now? I'm catching myself listening to YouTube videos by Catholic philosophers and wondering if it was really that bad, religion wise. (YES, yes it was). I know a lot of people have trouble with church in general, but can anyone relate to wanting to hide from nice people?