I 22F have been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, low muscle issues, anxiety and im slightly blind. I got diagnosed from the age of 2 to 7 with everything.

Due to all of my diagnoses I am unable to drive anywhere, I can still bus places and take Ubers but being driven somewhere is sometimes the best option for me. Multiple doctors told my parents I would be unable to drive due to being slightly blind and having anxiety.

As I’m unable to hold a full time job I don’t have heaps of money coming in so Ubers are usually a last resort.

yesterday I had asked my dad if he could pick me up as the bus I was supposed to take never came. When he went to pick me up he made a few comments saying it would be a lot easier if I could drive, and how I should learn to drive anyways despite that fact that doctors don’t want me to as he hates having to pick me up all the time.
I replied that it’s just what happens when you have a disabled child and it’s something you have to put up with.

He took massive offence to that and told mum who thought I was being incredibly rude.

He picks me up once or twice a week at most.