I was telling her about an incident at one of my now old jobs where I was working with this lady that was literally being rude as FUCK and having the biggest attitude for literally no reason at all with literally every single customer (she was taking orders at drive through). It was insane but it was literally unprovoked she was literally doing this to everyone for no reason. She acted like this most of the time when I saw her at work. Most people weren’t saying anything to her that day but a few people did, she just continued to be rude and nasty to them then they would just leave.

Then she was still taking orders with her really nasty attitude, then this one girl came up to my window after to pay and get her food. I wasn’t the one that took her order- the other lady was only taking orders. I tell her her total, she gives me change without even looking at me then I hand her her change and then she looks at me and immediately says “are you the one that took my order?!” I was like “um,no” (because I literally wasn’t) then with zero hesitation she very loudly says “ok well fuck you and whoever the fuck else is back there. I don’t like your fucking attitude so KNOCK IT OFF. KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF.” And she was pointing at me the whole time yelling this. I completely got extremely nervous and completely froze up, I think it was the fight or flight that I felt. I remember not knowing why she did that even though I literally didn’t do anything to her. Then after i froze and got really quiet and she held eye contact/ stared at me for like a long 3/5 seconds afterwards then quickly zoomed out of there. When other people came face to face with the other lady there with the attitude literally no one cussed her out like that, most people just never said anything to her. I noticed not only at that job but in general people would always, with no hesitation just attack me and try to start fights and shit like that when I never said or did anything to anyone to warrant that. Even when I told that same shift leader after it happened, she looked completely unsurprised when I told her. She had to pretend to act surprised.

I told this one therapist about that situation and said I didn’t know why people always did this to me but not anyone else. She very nonchalantly said “it’s because of how you look.” I said what do you mean ‘the way I look’?? How I do my makeup? How I dress? How I do my hair? Just how my face looks where I can’t do anything about it?? What do you mean by that?? She just nonchalantly shrugs and is like “Hm, I don’t know. It’s just how you look. You definitely don’t look like you would snap back at someone.” And she wouldn’t budge and tell me any more details than that. And that it wasn’t because of my body language, the way I carried myself, the way I talked, the things I said, reasons that are mentioned in every self help book I have read/ heard about as what things make you a target. No, it was strictly ‘how I looked’ and that’s it.