My parents have four kids. I'm (16m) the oldest and next is my brother Harry (13m) then my sister Jaz (11f) and then my youngest sister is Aimee (8f). Harry and Jaz have autism. Neither can talk clearly but mumbling is the best they have learned, and they were delayed developmentally so walking came later for them as well. Harry and Jaz are in a special needs school, a private one, because my parents wanted the best chance for them and this place was highly recommended. Both my parents work longer hours for this. And because of the longer hours they work and the after care they're paying for Harry and Jaz, it has meant I needed to take on some more responsibility and especially with Aimee. I take care of her every day after school until our parents come home. That includes cooking and deep cleaning the kitchen after I finish making food for us so my parents can cook for Jaz and Harry and not risk any issues with the food, because both have highly sensitive taste buds and they have limited diets.

When Harry and Jaz go for respite or all day therapies, my parents make time for Aimee and just Aimee. They don't want her to feel left behind or like she doesn't matter. I do not get the same attention. I never did, even when I was younger and things were bad. Aimee was always the kid they prioritized time with when they had it. And I had expectations put on me that I would do my best to give her a great childhood. They put a lot of that responsibility for that on my shoulders by the time I was just 11.

I'm also more responsible for keeping the house clean, because of my parents working hours. Sometimes I'm the only one who cleans in a week and I used to try and get Aimee to help out with some light stuff and my parents told me to let her enjoy her childhood.

Recently my uncle and aunt died and my cousin, who also has autism, ended up in foster care. My parents wanted to take him but they told me they would need me to step up and do more for us to make it work. They even told me how bad my cousin has it in foster care right now. Dad told me he has not found stability since his parents died several weeks ago. So what do they want? Me to take over all the cooking, for me to do the grocery shopping, but not with Aimee of course, and they want me to start adjusting to having three kids, two with special needs, at times. So they can take one kid at a time to their therapies and appointments. It pissed me off because they also asked me to babysit all three special needs kids so they can make a bit more time for Aimee, because it will be hardest on her.

I was pissed off so I said sure, I'll do it, but only until I'm 18 and then I'll be done and they will never see me again. My parents told me my anger was unwarranted and everyone has to make sacrifices when a family is dealing with this many special needs kids. AITA?