
As the others said, try another DNA kit. Also DNA kits can only trace up to 200 years back so having 20% non-somali DNA would mean you have recent ancestors that aren't somali at all. I'm eritrean and I recommend you take 23andme and then upload your results onto illustrative DNA to get a breakdown of your ancient DNA.

Iā€™m Eritrean but Iā€™m not too familiar with the name of the suit but the red robe heā€™s wearing is called a kaba. Itā€™s worn on special occasions in both Eritrean/Ethiopian culture.

He sounds so condescending regardless of the scene/context.

I actually liked them as a couple. The only weird part was that he was with her best friend... the show really glosses over how weird it is irl to date your best friend's ex.

He has African origins but he could easily have ancestry from 5 different countries. None of those cultures remain in African American culture. Just like how white Americans have ancestry from several European countries.

Submission statement : Please donā€™t take anything personally. Iā€™m Eritrean and we're the country with the least press freedom. For context, Eritrea has 1 (state operated) tv channel that mostly runs propaganda. Internet access is restricted purposefully (to the point where you can assume every Eritrean you meet online lives somewhere else). The current president is also a dictator who plainly said ā€œmaybe in 20, 30, 40 yearsā€ when asked why Eritrea hasnā€™t had an election in its entire history.Ā 

:er: Eritrea

Long term where do you see yourself? You might make enough to pay your bills and float by but there are drawbacks too.

I'm Eritrean and I mostly use reddit for anything related to Africa/Africans. At my school's black student union club I met my friend (who is a Somali atheist). She told me about how she was forced to go to kenya for 2 years and how hard it was to readjust to life in America. I looked into it on here and found a reddit post a few days ago of someone experiencing a similar thing (it's so sad to read). Our ancestors may have fought for centuries on the basis of religion but I'm glad that some of us have seen the light and broken the cycle of indoctrination. I wish all of you a life of happiness, love, and abundance.

Find a loving wife who is 31, fat, and equally as attractive as you. I'm willing to bet you don't want someone with those qualities and rather than working on yourself, you're opting to fly to some impoverished country to prey on young vulnerable women. You're not entitled to love, you're not entitled to marriage, and you're definitely not deserving of it.

That looks like if someone drew Vanessa from memory šŸ˜­

True, unfortunately all of our presidential candidates fully support Israel (it's one of the rare things all politicians here agree on). America is a capitalist country first and foremost, the wars technically aren't useless because billions of dollars are made from them (I don't support it at all, I'm just explaining why the country does certain things).

From an American perspective, it's not jealousy but hatred of the rich. College here is at least $200k, an ambulance ride is $3k, seeking medical treatment will burn through your savings and put you in debt, and the average person here cannot afford a home. Because of this, Americans tear down rich people from everywhere.

:er: Eritrea

I'm racially ambiguous so I live life as a woman of color (but people don't view me or treat me as black). When I'm with other habeshas (or africans in general) I feel like I belong but I did used to feel like an outsider when I was around non-africans.

If you're fleeing to Eritrea of all places then the situation you left is about as dire as it gets. Who are we to say who can't seek refuge there, 99.9% of us here are diaspora anyway.

Lol I'm 20 and I feel ancient but the sign in particular is from 1948.

I'm truly sorry, I hope you understand that none of what happened is your fault. You're not weak in any way. Our bodies can react with freezing in unfamiliar and scary situationsā€”it's a natural response. You've likely been in public many times without incident, which shows that the assaults weren't caused by anything you did (only the rapists are to blame!) Ignore society's expectations and standards of what a man is, if you identify as a man, no one can tell you otherwise! I'm wishing you the best and I hope you've found healthy ways to cope (journaling to identify your feelings and therapy). If you don't have anyone you can confide in, feel free to reach out to me!

:er: Eritrea

He did so good šŸ˜­ also I can tell you're east african, but I'm not sure which country.

:er: Eritrea

Iā€™m black (with a lot of middle eastern ancestry) and my main advice is to go where youā€™re wanted. Life isnā€™t long enough to care about the men that donā€™t like you. In real life the average black man is with a black woman.

:er: Eritrea

I used to be and somewhat still am. It's just now that I'm in college I've transitioned to note taking on my ipad.