I usually do early dancer like u said just cos it's fun and I like the challenge

And I hate abyss watchers and want a nice strong weapon to kick the shit out of them

I try hard to not get irrationally angry about posts like this but like

How tf are we supposed to know man, read the packaging, or Google the menu of wherever u got it from

I think it's probably better if u have voltshot (I don't), but it's not comparable to me because they're in diff slots, so I use whichever one I'm not running an exotic in

If I'm on the sweaty wishender build, the call is going away, but if I'm on sunshot shits n giggles, it's back

I beat the dlc in 3 days and I'm shit mate, plus people are doing rl1 runs of it already

Not that hard to believe someone has got to the dlc at a low level lol

Reading seems like a challenge evidently

I said I'm being punished because I have a better pc now

I'm pushing 240fps and I play warlock so that shit is never working

Thorn is really good with necrotic builds

Izanagi is good for high raid/dungeon dps options


Bungie punishing me for getting a better pc

Ngl I always go lightning because I like seeing if I can beat the others to it

But I usually offer to swap later coz idc what bow I get

I'm interested in the patch notes

Hell yeah brother. Make that artifice when u can, that's a god roll

It does, but it's still faster to have 1 person cap 1 point each, and then just stay there and defend it

Provided everyone is running decent builds and can deal with being the "main point" (enemies like to pick a point and rush it), 1 person per point is the most optimal

Idc if people want to not be optimal, but to those saying this isn't optimal, ur just wrong

Technically infinite I guess? Reverse pickpocket infinite gold then bonk with whatever that weapon is called that does more dmg per 300 gold they're holding

Defence should be slapped to 5 waves (hell just make it 3 slightly longer waves idc)

I also hate interceptions but that's because it's really hard to communicate:

4 players 4 points, take 1 each

Idk why it's hard to tell people that but people are hellbent on zoomies

Ngl he's one of my fav bosses in ds3, but I've done early dancer route every run since my first, so I'm reasonably levelled by the time I'm there lol

Overly lewd u say

Anyway for some unrelated reason I might check this game out

I've not read the study ngl


Cardio does lead to lower metabolism because of what u said (I suspect the study is correct here). There are multitudes of studies on this, idk if it's enough to be proven but I'm on board with it

Lifting weights etc does not lead to lower metabolism. Same as above, not necessarily proven but I'm on board given the evidence I've seen

Isn't the bo3 so shit it's not even got the "m" ? Lol

I like it

I don't have 19 people all stealing my kills when I'm farming stuff lol

Defo not fixed in the tower, I was completely invisible, went to a new loading zone in the tower which made me visible (but not my weapons on my back), and then it broke about 20 seconds later

(Restarting the game fixed it but seems inconsistent)

Someone hugged the goth woman

And someone is wearing a soreseal

Also - funni melly moment

4 people is the max

There's some solo quest content (honestly it's fun and it's not super long anyway, so dw about that)