Bruh I just got into a match with randoms on DE. Because I just got the game on ps5 a while ago and don't mind playing with randoms since ps5 doesn't have group posts like xbox which sucks. I get into the game everyone's working on there dragons keep in mind I'm the only 1 with a mic and as I get my bow this guy turns on the trap behind him so me and the other 2 guys couldn't get the lightning bow because I guess he was scared someone else would take it from him. This right here is why I never go for that bow at all because everyone fights over it. Match goes on and I made the void bow btw guy with the storm bow goes down and finally gets on the mic begging me to revive him. And honestly just to piss him off I let him bleed out and went downstairs where his bow went and didn't pick it up I just t bagged in front of it and he started screaming his head off. Funniest thing ever. But long story short ik not every player is like this but to the people who are yall need help 😭