Hey everyone,

I dont know if youve played Lords 2023, but it has a mechanic for 'ammo' that gets refreshed at each bonfire.

Basically, as you discover throwables, and use them, you have a limited amount of 'ammo' until you rest at a Bonfire again.

This is further balanced as "lower level" items like throwing knives cost 1/10 Ammo. Then a "Heavy Bomb" may cost 3 Ammo.

So, youll want to use your projectiles and bombs, and dont have to worry about farming more of them or whatnot

I think ER2 or whatever they make next - this would be the way to do it. Get rid of 'consumable' throwables that we hate having to 'rebuild/rebuy' and just give us an ammo limit per bonfire.

Then, you could have the crafting system be looking for the parts to make "The Large Electric Bomb"; but you need to explore the game world to get to higher levels of projectiles.

This is actually similar to how The Witcher 3 did it; once you acquired the components and "crafted" the bomb; when you meditated in that game, your Bombs/Throwables were refreshed. So you didnt craft an Ice Bomb to use just sparingly, the game encouraged you to use it's projectiles, because you can always meditate and get more

But, it doesnt make the low level projectiles useless because they cost less "ammo".

If anyone hasnt played Lords 2023 yet; this, I think, is the most significant mechanic they put into the game.

Too much in DS or Bloodborne Id be 'afraid' of wasting my bombs; now, you get 10 ammo slots back each time you rest.

Then they could build the boss encounters around it, "well, they probably have atleast the low level lightning bomb, so make the boss susceptible to lightning", etc etc.

Just wanted to point out - I think this is the best mechanic LotF 2023 best and should be copied

To take it a step further - the could have our 'ammo pouch' only be like 3 shots at the start of the game for stuff like Throwing Knives, then as you progress and explore, you upgrade it to get more "Ammo Slots" each time you rest, so you can throw more 'bigger items/bombs'; or just have a ton of quick throwing knives at your disposal.

Could be an entire upgrade tree in and of itself. If they wanted to add a new Stat that effects Bombs/Throwables, you could potentially make a build around getting more Ammo slots in the game world and having the Best Throwables.

Im not saying I want them to do like 30% damage to a boss or anything - just make it part of our regular arsenal instead of holding back.

Then when youre at the bonfire, you can pick which projectiles you want to take with you after your rest. Could carry like 2 heavy bombs, then a few poison knives or something.

Just would like to see a more fulfilling projectile/throwing system that doesnt feel like its 'punishing' me for using my throwables.

You could also lean into using the "Ammo Count" for buffs. Have a potion that increases Stamina Regen? Drink it and itll take like 3 Ammo Slots, but, you get a Stamina Regen buff for like 3-5 minutes.

Just wanted to share some options I think From and others could go with after seeing how Lords 2023 did it.

Cheers and thanks for your time.

Edit: Thinking on it more, Sekiro, but has the same Core Problem - although spirit emblems were finite; you do still need to Farm them at times depending on your play style. Id rather they went the Lords of 2023 route instead of it being something we have to farm. Sekiro's way of increasing your max Ammo would be a good inspiration, or just have larger ammo pouches in the game