Frustrated Home Depot employee shares photo of countless carts full of gardening products wasted for no good reason: 'Not our call'

Finally! When I worked here, social media wasn't a thing. You wouldn't believe how bad it is. It's a bigger part of the profit plan then selling them!! Not even joking. They kill more than they sell. They trash perfectly good plants for loss and reload the same. It's a win-win for them. Something about their loss benefit is why they don't offer at a discount.

I worked one mother's day prep and quit because they were removing the entire store and breaking all the plants in half so the manager for the supplier could take pictures and then throwing them in the crusher so no one could get them from the trash. Only to reload with more of the SAME plants. More Dahlias in soft mothers day colored pots! When you see those center aisles looking beautiful, that's because they toss all the plants all the time, for NO reason.