My understanding is when old people are near the end, they can voluntarily stop eating and drinking to hasten their demise. It’s described as being rather peaceful and painless. And what about people who voluntarily do hunger strikes? Are they suffering badly?

Look up the SNL skit "Man Park". You'll be in stitches.

Home Depot is also famous for “pay by scan”, meaning the nurseries that supply the plants only get paid for plants that are sold. Those going into the dumpster are a loss for the suppliers.

It sounds like you’ve done EVERYTHING to help her. It’s up to her now. You might need to let her live with her choices. I like how you said “that person is not my mother”. I think this is a helpful attitude to have. I’m so sorry you and your family are going through this.

Converted to a 20lb tank!

I finally bought a 20lb tank at a local gas supplier and a converter on Amazon. I’m so excited! I did some calculations and it looks like it will take 3-6 months to break even on the tank. After that, my C02 will be about 6 times cheaper than the standard cylinders. The new tank should last 21 times longer.

SodaStream 30% off

They’re having a sale. Time to stock up on those syrups!

I believe he has the right to give up if he’s suffering. If his quality of life is so poor, why should he keep going? I know it’s painful for you, but think about what it’s like for him.

She sounds mentally competent and she has the right to make her own decisions. You said she said she is ready to die. It’s hard to watch but it sounds like she is doing what she wants.

Remember when you were a kid and unpleasant things lasted for...ever? This nice thing now is unpleasant things go by quickly, but so do pleasant things.

I would really like to get down to the essence of the perception that time speeds up. I've researched it before but never got a satisfying answer. What is the psychology of it?

Westside Ace Hardware has a machine that does it.

Visit the Arboretum.

Were there no other red flags? This seems like it came out of nowhere. Think back…

How about asking around the neighborhood to see if someone with a dog would be willing to visit a few times a week? A teenager could make a few bucks doing this.

Social Security estimate accurate?

To those of you who recently claimed Social Security retirement benefits, how accurate were the estimates you got from your statements? I’m just curious if the amounts I see on my statement are pretty close to what I’ll actually get.

I suggest changing their phone numbers and checking on their wi-fi to make sure it’s secure. The scammers often load malware on to victims’ computers so have their computers checked for malware. Be prepared for your parents to feel very vulnerable and distrustful of the world.

In my area there are no doctors taking new Medigap patients. We're freaking out. We had Kaiser Advantage before but switched due to all the bad press about Advantage plans. I wish we had stayed with Kaiser.