I appreciate you supplying an example for my argument 

I'm not sure this is the kind of opinion I would solicit from strangers on the Internet, let alone Reddit.

Reddit has a way of upvoting the most emotionally evocative, worst-case scenario.

We're in a rotten situation. Reality isn't cut and dry.

For my American bretheren - I am here (as a former Canadian resident) to inform you Canadian Tire is basically Canadian Walmart. They also have Walmart. But Canadian Tire is kinda more vertical usually. And often nicer. But the self checkout is always broken. But they employees are nice.

I like to call it Can-Tie.

For anyone else reading - the report is called an FBAR.

If you have $10,000 in any kind of foreign account (chequing, savings, retirement, brokerage) you have to report it.

There is no cost or fee associated with reporting.

It takes about five minutes to do - biggest pain is navigating the janky website and figuring out what your maximum balance was for the year.

Gell-Mann Amnesia.-,Proper%20noun,which%20they%20are%20knowledgeable%20about)

Hello from Oregon! Hope you are happy wherever you landed!

Bought a house that had this fig growing. Love the tree but it is really listing hard.

Not sure if it needs some kind of attention, pruning, or if this is #FigLife.

Welcome all suggestions 

I made a diet and exercise change.

Explicitly - I know that this will not work for everyone. I am fortunate that it worked for me.

Start the day with a fiber delish bar Snacks are apple, oranges, banana, or veggie with Hummus - sometimes half a handful of almond or peanuts (calories!) Lots of beans and or available around dinner  The big thing: when I think about having a snack, I put three tablespoons of metamucil and two teaspoons of inulin in water. Knock that back. If I'm still hungry twenty minutes after that, I eat. I also like oatmeal and dried fruit! You can buy bags of assorted dried fruit in grocery stores

Cut red meat and dairy out of my diet

Started tracking and lowering saturated fats. No trans fat.

Ramped fiber up in my diet in a huge way.

Dropped 15 lbs

I've had it tested a few times over the years, and have always been in the 120-130 range.

I decided to do something about it.

Allegedly, high cholesterol runs in my family, but I noticed it was more likely that bad diet runs in my family. They're on statins.

I made a choice and stopped making excuses.

Arbor Lodge

I regret to inform you that you have not been selected for this year's UPS delivery assistance program. You are welcome to apply against next year.

Arbor Lodge

I volunteered to be a delivery assistant for UPS when I was in college.

UPS dude got up in front of us with their little hand-held computer scanner thing. First thing he said was "If a dog comes running at you, you start hitting it in the face with your computer as hard and as fast as you can. If you have a problem with that, You can leave now."

Group of folks got up and left. Training went smoothly.

I found that grape seed oil on popcorn is even better!

I am interested in how Israel's government is structured, especially where a coalition government is at play.

My understanding was that the ceasefire proposal was accepted by the coalition outside of the governing party. Is this not the case?

I'm saying that people aren't doing math on the value of their homes. Trying to analyze this problem as if we're homo-economicus isn't practical.

One of the joys of owning a home is adding a quantum of stability and predictability to your life. Whether that's right or wrong, it's human.

Have an external force bring change to that place is not usually a good feeling.

For example, I don't care if the value of my house goes down. It's not how I think about this stuff. I do really give a shit if I end up living next to a tall, noisy building.

Is it what I may have signed up for? yes. Do I like it? No.