Does anyone have any petitions laying around we could sign?

Maybe your intuition was trying to tell you to be at peace because it is only just the dog's earthly body that is expiring

I also clean my neighborhood up regularly. Trash blows in off the main drag and it gets messy here pretty quick.

Balloons in general are a menace.

I'm listening to Mansfield right now and they really all do suck.

Thank you for this! I have been feeling so heavy because of the global negativity currently. I had to do some massive chord cuttings, deleted all social media and left many subreddits. Focusing on myself and keeping my world positive so I can continue to vibrate my love wherever I am.

This was in 2017, I was on the merchandising team and we had a new display coming and they had us completely toss the display, seeds and all. 

I was forced to throw into the compactor over 1000 seed packets because the brand updated their packaging. I got all the store management involved because I was so outraged but they said nothing they can do, throw it away. 

This is where I find myself. I've been on my alone path for over a year and finally thought I was ready to get out and find my people. So far I've only found exhausting circumstances, so now I'm back to focusing on my own path and allowing for the Universe to bring people to me when the time comes.

Hyacinth is my favorite book, she's got the best personality of the girls. I think they've been building up her and Gregory well and I will be sad if we don't get to see their seasons. 

During all the discourse here it had been mentioned that Jess Brownell had signed on to the renewal with Netflix for season 3&4 so I'm reading in between lines and assuming she would have entered into a contract for those two seasons. We know she had to change around the story of s3 to make room for the build-up to s4 with Francesca's story, especially considering in the books we literally have no clue who Fran is UNTIL her book. 

Netflix hasn't officially renewed for season 5&6, ergo, my assuption is she is in a two season contract.

Jess Brownell signed on for 2 seasons. She did her first season. She decided to do a gender-swap with Francesca's story because she saw her own story within it.

Anyone who thinks it's going to be anything but Francesca next season is going to be sorely disappointed. Sure, I do believe we could be introduced to Benedict's love interest so he can pine after her, and maybe even have events in motion for Eloise's story.

Well the Featherington fortune is now being claimed as her LW fortune so teeeccchnically, due to changes from the book, it makes sense for it to go to her kid.

It is occasionally very violent and there are some moments that you might find shocking but not much I'd call gore.

The Great is a fantastic show.

I know you asked pt 2 but I don't see it get mentioned enough when the inventor asks if Portia would like to learn about the lamp and she flatly says "No! 😁"

I was laughing so hard, Pen trying to slink off, Fran's sweet little declaration, and then Lady Danbury boldly standing there like "hell no am I gonna miss this drama!" 

I'm American and one of my friends won the early access, so we are planning a trip to London. I just got the email today that I also won, but not only can I not get in at the same slot as her but also $130 plus travel expenses... that's a no from me, even though it would have been a fun experience! 

When part 2 premiered I did a speed-run where I watched only Polin scenes because I knew the LW anxiety was going to kill me. I had all my knee-jerk reactions (I was so angry and exasperated by the Benedict 3some having to fast forward through it so many times 😂) and then went back and rewatched it in its entirety and was very please with it all. 

My anxiety has NO INTEREST in suspenseful build-ups lol spoilers please, anything so that I can simply enjoy my programs 

You gotta be the change you want to see in the world. The only advice I'd say would be to release your attachment to the outcome. You're vibrating and casting out those vibes everywhere you go, spreading positivity. Don't hold expectations onto others and get disappointed when you don't receive the desired outcome. You don't know if your kind words or smiles just took time to penetrate through to them. Maybe they got home and were able to digest what had happened and THEN smiled? You can't know what's going on with the people around you, so just try to make room for compassion and keep being kind.

Man I lived on the IMDB message boards, that was SUCH a loss for me and many others.

The area around my belly button have been pulsating very noticeably. I can press on many areas around it and not feel anything, but an inch up from my belly button is especially noticeable right now, several weeks ago it was the inch below my belly button. I've been curious to know if it had been happening to others and what it could mean. It's definitely more than just being able to feel my pulse...

I've been working a lot with my solar plexus chakra and assumed it had to do with the energy from that.

And the Michael fans are disrespecting the people who want to see Michaela. 🤷‍♀️  


I rewatched season 1 before season 3 came out and there was a LOT of time spent on Anthony and his mistress. There's always been excess storyline throughout the season, and as Bridgerton has progressed, there have been more characters who people have wanted to see.  Like, I can't complain too much because the Featheringtons definitely were the stars of the season which... makes sense for Penelope's season? Idk. I wasn't as mad about it on my 2nd watch through of season 3.

Reiki is all about intention. You can intend your energy to be directed into your singing, instrument playing, whatever you use to make music.

I always think about the book Howl's Moving Castle, the main female makes hats and she would (unintentionally) pour her magic into them, describing who would wear it and how much they would enjoy the hat, and it always ended up being sold to the right person. I always felt this was reiki! I'm sure that might be along the lines of how the people who do videos on youtube do it.

Some people reject duality, choosing "love and light" and rejecting all negativity, which I feel like can send them into fear mode. Duality allows for the good and the bad to occur, you take what good you can from any situation and leave the rest. That's my take. I think the Universe is constantly trying to send us signals through any means possible, so take what resonates and leave the rest.