I Will Always Love You.

I love Dolly, but Whitney's version is far superior.

I also hope he sues Marjorie Traitor Queen for every dime she has for displaying his dick pics on the House floor.

Where are you located? If you're in the Philly area, I can hook you up.

(I am not comfortable shipping plants).

Olivia Benson is also the name of one of Taylor Swift's cats. Maybe some of her fans are using Olivia for that reason.

The names of her other cats, Meredith Gray and Benjamin Button, don't seem to be trending like Olivia.


I have vivid memories of my grandfather (WWII generation) at a Starbucks saying "what the hell is a triple iced soy mocha frappe crappy? I just want a damn cup of coffee."

He took his coffee hot and black.

Look in the mirror. The person staring back is the only one who's actions you can control.

I wish I learned this lesson much earlier.

I have a Rubbermaid tote in the storage above my closet for sentimental clothes. (The storage is high enough where I need to stand on a chair to reach it). It's mostly things like concert tees.

I only wear fun crew socks. I always found ankle socks to be extremely uncomfortable.

This is true for a lot of things. IMO there needs to be a separate term for the serious and casual cyclist. (I like the term 'biker' for the casual user but motorcycles have taken over that term.) The term 'cyclist' to many means the likes of Lance Armstrong.

DId he have the same judge as Brock Turner the rapist (who now goes by Allen Turner). The judge cared more about his swimming career than the fact that he raped an unconscious girl next to a dumpster.

Based on the photo, the guy looks pretty young (early-mid 20s). His sentence must have been a slap on the wrist.

Reusable bags are around $1 each. Buy a few.

If you don't want to buy a few, ask around. Many people (like myself) have a trunk full of them. If you were in my area, I'd happily give you a few.

They're also often handed out as swag at things like conferences and festivals.

They drive a BMW/Audi/Tesla and think the rules of the road do not apply to them.

I mean it's Mark Fuckerbot. What do you expect?

Many people who drive older cars can't afford a newer one.

I'd rather tax the fuck out of the people who have emotional support trucks with 4 figure payments.

Edit-- Many who aren't switching to electric (right away) are apartment dwellers as they can't charge their car at home. My apartment complex does not have garages and no charging apparatus in the parking lot.

I'll settle for her making a phone call to the IRS tax evasion hotline.

Think of someone favoriting as saying "I like XYZ or that's cute" at a brick and mortar store.

I have thousands of favorites (and a large wish list on a site like Amazon). I'm a recovering shopaholic so these are tactics to control my impulses. I MIGHT buy 10% of said favorites/wish list if finances allow.

Look into political canvassing if it's available in your area. Going rate is $20/hour+ (depending on location) and they typically hire on the spot. The offices anticipate high turnover so if you leave in August, no biggie. Not the easiest job in the world but many firms will hire anyone with a pulse.

(Source-- I run such programs.)