Great. We can’t be chubby. We can’t have no booty. Now we can’t even be fit. Sort of wondering if any men actually like women or you all got issues?

Hopefully by the time it reaches Playa it is downgraded. I know that doesn’t help your travel plans but hurricanes happen here every year.

Meanwhile small independent greenhouses spend all their time and labour $ keeping plants looking gorgeous through the season only to hear “it’s cheaper at home depot”. Stop shopping big box when you could support local.

Talk to your university, see if the students union has emergency bursaries (many do), see if there are emergency bursaries available in your department as well.

Living alone as a student is a luxury, look for Co housing. Do part time uni and work as many jobs as you need to (GenX here who put themselves through uni this way).

If you have to live out of a car for a bit do it. Whatever it takes to stay off the street. Shower on campus at the gym. Buy instant oats and granola bars.

Also count out the bills you give them so they don’t pull the “hey mister you are 200 pesos short” game

Sometimes it is correlated not causation. I went vegan after my diagnosis, 30 yrs ago, and I did end up going into remission for a number of years. I mistakenly assumed that it was because I was doing such a “good job”. When I had a massive flare about 15 yrs ago (still was a vegan) I realized I had just been lucky for a few years. Now it doesn’t matter what I do, my RA is really aggressive and hard to treat.

Apparently two bodies were found near Carmichael earlier this month. 😢

My GenX ass would have been beaten if I threw garbage in the car like that 😂😂😂

I saw this! It was a BMO credit card advertisement. I’m surprised BMO didn’t have their PR team linked in to monitor comments

I don’t have it. Open the windows at night and run a fan to bring in cool air. Close the windows first thing in the morning and draw all of the curtains. Americans fascination with making their homes freezing cold in the summer is bizarre.

They used to actually purchase competitors’ products and take them apart to see how they are made. Garbage humans who have been getting government money from the start.

This happens all the time. The beach comes and goes depending on the season. It is a little more extreme these days (I’ve been here since 1996) due to overdevelopment (maybe?) It will definitely be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of years

Bellagio. It’s like a bunch of former Smittys employees opened an even more mid restaurant

Kangen is one that I have noticed being pushed in Mexico now. American huns moving down and bringing their MLM bs with them to prey on folks with even less education and money. Just sickening.

Spoiler - the “sales team” in Vancouver were not even slightly excited

I had a friend die from cancer bc his wife (and him) got really into The Secret and believed that they could will away the cancer bc he didn’t want it. Rather than treat it. So toxic and manipulative.

The reason there was an indoor pedestrian walkway implemented on Scarth was bc of winter weather, now they are saying that the entire concept should be scrapped? Meanwhile the “Plaza” was a complete waste of time and money bc there are no storefronts or restaurants on it.

Why there is no bylaw enforcement on boarded up houses. If they can’t be repaired they should be demolished and the lots sold to build government housing (or maybe band owned housing?)

Area around 5th and 10th avenues are safe. Don’t get so intoxicated that you can’t function (this is a good idea anywhere you travel). Bottles water is fine. Don’t drink the tap water (locals don’t either). All the restaurants on 5th have high standards. There is a Walmart near 5th with everything you will need for self catering.

Diagnosed at 17, but was having symptoms for a few years before that. In my 50’s now. Have taken all sorts of meds. Even though I do still have flare ups and some pain, I have done everything I could ever want to do (travel, university, career, etc).

I know it is scary right now, and in some ways you have to grieve the life you thought you would have (I wish my parents would want me for counselling, so that might be something to look into) but you can imagine a slightly different life.

Go to the outlet mall near Cancun, check out a movie at Centro Maya or the other mall further west, go to Lido Beach Bar and watch the rain under the palapa

I have no idea now. It was a restaurant when I worked there

Start having a small amount automatically deposited into a TFSA each pay period. You don’t need to invest a lot to start with (even 50/month will get you started). Go to the bank you currently work with and ask them for an investment planning meeting. Don’t be intimidated, that is their job. They can how you some compound interest calculations to motivate you. Get a separate savings account for short term investment - saving for house purchases etc. Put anything extra in there (when I was your age I returned all of the beer bottles and pop cans from my roommates who were too lazy to do it and put that money in savings). It adds up.

Mattress on the floor? Honestly though, I got all of my furniture from relatives who were downsizing. You don’t have to make your home instagram worthy. It just has to be functional.