As an old person, I would agree. Sunday Bloody Sunday to me is still as visceral as it was then. "I can't believe the news today. I can't close my eyes and make it go away. How long - how long must we sing this song. How long?" The lyrics of that song are just as relevant today. The place may change - but the tune remains sadly the same.

I am not a fan of their most recent stuff - but respect the hell out of what they have been able to achieve.

I like the second one. You have plenty of color in the floral print. The dark will ground it and give it a cozier feel.

Warren was right - love is in the little simple moments. Such an amazing lyricist.

Warren Zevon Keep Me in Your Heart - his last gift to the world.

Sometimes when you're doin' simple things around the house
Maybe you'll think of me and smile
You know I'm tied to you like the buttons on your blouse
Keep me in your heart for a while

Hudson MA - Rail Trail, followed by New City for ice cream or the Speakeasy in the back.

Tower Hill - they have both family friendly and date night events

Sanctuary in Maynard has bands and comedy

Dante's at Firefly's in Marlborough also has live music

Groton Hill for concerts

The guests in front of you paid cash, followed by a cover on the smoke alarms.

I live near many small local farmers. They were decimated by a tomato blight that came from big box stores selling tomato plants. If you can contain the plant and make sure the sick plant doesn't make it back into the eco system - great. But don't take one in and then put it in the compost pile where the blight can proliferate.

Yes, I live in an area with barn cats. Some are considered too feral for adoption. They are snipped and then their ears are tagged like this. They then live out their lives as rodent control on local farms.

As a woman, somewhere between 30 and 35. I had a kick ass career and travelled with a nice expense account in my mid twenties to early thirties. I was able to see and do things while I was young and then settle down.

My mom did the opposite. She had me very young. And then she tried getting a career started in her thirties. I think I have had more options than my mom ever did post kids. I have a proven track record in the corporate world. I was able to do volunteer work to keep up skills while I was technically a "SAHM" - as a volunteer you can do so many things - project management, web administration/design, treasurer, etc... don't have those skills - no problem - someone will probably train you for free to get that job off their plate. And it will often be another mom who took the job because she had industry experience.

My grandmother was a gifted quilter and artist. One of the things she taught me was that mistakes were what made her quilts more interesting. She hand stitched every single piece. The lack of uniformity was what made it a work of art and stand out from a machine made quilt.

I love this quote from Baryshnikov "Communicating with an art form means being vulnerable, it means being imperfect. Most of the time, this is much more interesting. Trust me."

Visit school websites. Here is Walnut Hill's schedule. The Rock in PA and Nutmeg in CT would be two other US schools to look at .

Best advice I got for teaching kids to ride a bike: drop the seat until they can touch the ground and take off the pedals. Use it as a balance bike (no need to buy a special one). When they are zipping around and balancing - you can raise the seat up and put the pedals back on. Works so much better than training wheels since they learn balance first - and then pedaling instead of the other way around. Sounds like you are one great dad!

Anywhere really. I should have said coffee table. Click the "this" link in my previous comment for an example. Here is another one from Ikea.

I like a bigger end table too. I actually repurposed a round apartment size cocktail table as an end table. It works great. Maybe something like this would work for you.

Do you have any serving pieces that you love but only use on special occasions? Pitchers, platters, bowls, cake stand, vases etc... Maybe store some of those up there? No cost and functional. Treat it like an open shelf. Just keep it simple and don't add so much that it looks cluttered.

Body part insurance is usually more of a gimmick for celebrities to get press coverage. A dancer needs health insurance to cover medical expenses for injuries.

Here is an article by Dance Magazine on the subject of the financial side of injuries for dancers.

or walked into a Bass Pro Shop and thought - this is just so homey - let me call my interior decorator/taxidermist.

When I was in my twenties and poor my group at work adopted a family to buy Christmas presents and got a wishlist from them. The little girl (maybe 5?) asked for a dollhouse. Most of us didn't have that kind of money. But I found a cheap kit house and built one for her. Paint, window boxes with little flowers, curtains - I got creative and sourced things from scrap or clearance. It was a proper Victorian with all the gingerbread accents. It even had upholstered window seats - that I covered with a fabric napkin I found on clearance. A friend helped to buy some more furniture and someone else bought the dolls. The friend who did the furniture delivered it and said the little girl was beside herself - not expecting a dollhouse like that - and said it was the best Christmas ever. Made all the hot glue gun burns worthwhile.

That time a guy walked up to a door and punched the window - thankfully reinforced with metal wire because they thought that might happen. (a customer service call center for a bank - no actual cash or customers at the location) We were all honestly glad it wasn't a gun. We had bets on who the first shooter would be.

How are Freddy Mercury and George Michael not at the top of this list? Can anybody find me...somebody to love? If loads of emotion is the criteria - clearly Adam Lambert and Sam Smith should be in this list too.