Growing a lot of my own produce and canning what we don’t eat fresh. We’ve got fruit trees, bushes, and grape vines plus our vegetable garden.

I sometimes miss the social aspect of church but otherwise am very happy to have not raised my kids to go to church. They are better behaved than I was and I was dragged to church every week.

Someone I know is constantly putting up how much they hate capitalism and the rich but they openly shop from sites like Temu. They justify it by saying it’s the only way they can afford clothes that match their gender identity. I suggested thrifting and got told that they deserved brand new clothes.

I know a young man with a ton of problems. He recently started dating a young woman and a few older women who are mutual acquaintances keep saying that she’s going to be so good for him and will help keep his life on track. The rest of us are cringing and worried about the immense pressure that puts on a very young adult to fix another person’s problems.

jumbotron golden uterus

We make it a few times a year. We typically use a bag or two of frozen mixed vegetables and ground beef. It’s not my favorite but my husband and kids love it and I can deal with it the little bit we have it.

I’ve got daisies and roses that I bought at Home Depot at a steep discount because they were in poor condition. They’re thriving now.

We go to a lot of Renaissance faires. One vendor I’m friends with does t wear his ring at faires because he’s noticed women pursue him if he’s got it on much more than if he isn’t wearing it.

Not routinely but we have beautiful ones. We married while both in the military and just never wore them because we didn’t know what any day would bring (we both were paranoid about the safety issue of wearing a ring).

We wear them when getting dressed up but otherwise they sit in a jewelry box.

We don’t spank our kids. They also tell us when they’ve messed up and apologize if they do something wrong.

I never would have done that because I never knew when my honesty would be rewarded with physical punishment. I learned to lie and hide problems.

They are polite and kind because it’s simply how you should treat people. I was out of fear.

We heat up cider in the crockpot with cinnamon sticks and have whiskey available to those who would like some. It’s handy to have something the kids can enjoy too.

My dad was physically there but it was better if he didn’t notice you and my mom did her best but was too busy. I ask myself what support I’d wished I’d had and offer that. I also haven’t forgotten what it’s like to be young.

Sometimes my kids just need someone to sit and talk about nothing or watch a show together. Sometimes we do a coffee run or they come with me to grocery shop.

I’ve also tried being more open about what’s going on than my parents were. I tell them if I’m having a bad day. We’ve made it okay to make a mistake and own up to it because we both hated how our parents didn’t do that. My kids will snap at us, go calm down, and later apologize for being rude. As I’ve told them, everyone has the capacity to be a dick and it’s important to recognize when you’re being one, remove yourself if possible, and then apologize when you’ve calmed down.

My youngest will come to me for advice, most recently how to break up with someone as kindly as possible. I never would have asked my parents that.

If I could find Labyrinth soundtrack on vinyl I’d probably die.

I’ve been doing my blanket based on where I sleep that night. Like Metallica sang, anywhere I roam where I lay my head is home.

I found the soundtrack on vinyl at a thrift shop a few years ago. I love that movie. It’s pure comfort and she’s so otherworldly gorgeous.

I work with someone who says they are perfectly healthy. They also said they can’t walk a 5k in a straight shot.

I think sometime people get anti- consumption mixed up with frugality on this sub. A metal garbage can that will last for life is going to be more expensive than a plastic one that will break easily.

Make a meal plan and grocery list that we stick to. We avoid aisles if we don’t have something on the list we plan to buy.

Especially on really hot days don’t forget to include some electrolytes in your hydration routine. Sport drinks or even pickles can make a huge difference.

Wear natural fibers. Linen and cotton will keep you much more cool and comfortable than polyester. Same with footwear. Avoid pleather at all costs.

Carry a parasol for a little portable shade.

I’m invested in this. Someone find her “the hot pirate”.

I’ve got three kids. I’ve never found parenting or caring for them as difficult as people made it out to be. That includes caring for our one that was colicky and has special needs. Toddler years, puberty, teen years, none of it’s been terrible. We don’t live near family so we’ve done it with minimal support.

That’s not to say we never had challenging moments or tough times, but it’s not been as hard as people made it out to be. My oldest is in their 20s and the youngest is nearly an adult, so it’s not like we just haven’t hit the “hard stage” yet.

Some days I feel old but others I don’t. I’ve had arthritis in my knee since I was in my early thirties and on days it’s not acting up I feel like I’m not old but on days it is I feel ancient. I have had people say I look and act younger than I am and if they didn’t know I have adult children they’d never come near to guessing my age.

I honestly love seeing people who show up no matter if they are dressed up or not. I really love when I see a patron show up in street clothes and then later that same day they are wearing garb and gear bought at the faire. My advice to first timers is to show up, have fun, and tip the performers.

It really is. I hope your child loves your jam as they get older and remembers it fondly.

My kids have never said anything about the aroma of what I’m canning but my youngest is 17 and says he’d rather have my jam and jelly than any other he’s had. He particularly loves homemade grape jelly and blackberry-peach jam.

My mom used to say it was a compliment. Even when a guy she graduated high school with whistled as he drove past me while I was outside my workplace. He knew who I was because he came in later and asked if I’d heard him whistle and told me I looked hot. I was 15 and he was around 40. My parents said he was just being nice and I was rude for telling him I didn’t appreciate it.