You need to find those allies that you can have wins with, and build on that. As you get accepted by those who are more accepting of diversity, and from reputation with those, you can get a foot in the door for others.

What you gotta ask yourself is: If someone doesn't like me, why do I try to contact them, instead of finding another way?

I'm just going to deliver "harsh truth", disregard what doesn't fit though:

Find the right group that may accept her, an inclusive group. Most NT groups aren't like that, and can at any given point turn on someone with autism.

What that activity is, isn't your decision. She needs to seek out what is driven by her own curiosity and interest. If no group does that, it's OK to stay at home, go for walks, find personal pet projects, go to the library, etc.

First and foremost, she's growing up, and you need to let go of her and let her lead an individual life. Sometimes that will be boring, lonely. For many ASD people, dark thoughts are always around a corner. However, there's not much you as parent can do to help other than support her decisions, guide the decision-making, answer questions, provide some support and the like. But she will need to face this, without being cushioned in and comforted by fake promises.

From other comments here, it seems maybe ASD group / activities may help. She needs a group that can build that self-confidence, because everywhere else is just stomping on people and bullying, in the many forms this happens (often silently). So it is perhaps you who need to reassess how you see the world and how it is to live with this. It is incurable, but the right social conditions can help boost self-confience, self-reliance and individuality / freedom helps, etc. So ask her what she wants, and try to avoid your own biases on this, because it's very hard to understand and come to terms with this already.

In time and maturity things can always become better. So she should never give up. One year can be absolute hell, and some years after that everything is going great. The peaks and valleys that everyone go through, can just be very steep. But I think she needs to learn to draw resources from herself and face what she needs to go through. Getting an early diagnosis isn't unitarily a good thing in this regard.

The simplest would perhaps be activities and learning support for ASD people, that is specifically tailored to teach useful life-skills. There are so much that needs to be learned, which those with learning disabilities don't see for themselves or spend their entire life trying to come to terms with. But which can be easily taught in more of a neutral mentor setting.

Is the author a young infj? Writes a rambling article about that infjs never ramble.

Like everything mbti this is a lot of hit & miss. Some points, like inferior Se and craving completion, are quite good.

Some points go into behaviour and decision territory, which isn't about mbti. Some projections on intuitives, I find odd as a casual reader.

Some points go into gaslighting territory, almost demanding infjs to honor Fe=Harmony. I work actively against that notion, as it's part of the big conspiracy against infjs.

What is the big conspiracy?

If you follow the main stack, it too often ends up like so:

Ni = rambles incoherently, to be ignored

Fe = just dump toxic shit on them, they will just accept

Ti = ponders about inconsequential stuff

Se = physically pathetic and used as a stepping-stone

And you wonder why r/infj complains about becoming free therapist and nobody understands them?

But lo and behold: Just reverse the infj main functions, and you get ESTP, the Enterpreneur! Or what type is the shadow of INFJ? Oh yeah, ENFP, the Campaigner. Both types can be great at project leadership and socializing.

The opposite/reverse of two types like this is the revered infj. I wonder why? Maybe because infj type becomes the embodiment of shadow and reverse, somebody to use and discard?

They will just allow it, and be afraid of a little chaos??

So yeah, infjs can ramble. And nobody will look into this, because people fucking suck ass. And there's no fucking way I'm adhering to imbecile rule.

Take that and FUCK YOU "Harmony"!

You still think infjs can't hurt feelings, huh? I just ate your mommy yesterday, punk!!1

There are studies estimating this to be up to 17% of population. For some reason the research got defunded.

DON'T do this at home. This was staged.

Update: People all miss the extra set of hands.

Art of Living courses over some years.

Ah, yes. It can help to formulate using logic and seeing new perspectives about the situation and new possibilities.

However, supposed you encounter a jerk that you can't really avoid interacting with. They can't really be "understood" as what they do, is belittle and marginalize you at any opportunity. Of course also hiding these acts, so that if you talk about this, everyone would look at you like you're crazy. So there's little support available. You can use Ti, but the situation isn't logical, the guy doesn't make sense. Maybe you can find a solution, but it often involves grey rocking or avoidance. Will you allow yourself to be removed from the equation like that, with every bully in life?

How does Ti comfort your Fe? What is it saying, or what's the core to this process, in your experience?

So when Fe is repressed, Ni-Ti will be soothing?

I guess it can after a while, but there are other ways that change the entire game structurally. INFJs don't have to fit a given "role" in life.

It's actually about balancing Fe and Fi constructively, because then you don't over-extend into one while lagged in the other, or in unhealthy ways. Here's an article that explains a bit around practical steps:

Process Fe consciously:

  1. Find ways you can express your emotions privately. To express your emotions fully, you need a private space.

  2. Surround yourself with understanding and caring people. INFJs need friends that have a strong Fe preference.

  3. Don’t take in more than you can express. Withdraw yourself from emotional triggers.

Process Fi consciously:

  1. Understand your own emotions. What am I feeling right now?

  2. Take note of what you like and what you don’t like. Be as specific as possible.

  3. Learn how to soothe and let go of your emotions. Letting go has the same effect of expression.

You should be. Fi is next-level for INFJ that wants to level-up.

Well... As INFP, your main cognitive functions can always trigger INFJ shadow side. But we shouldn't need to walk on eggshells either. You'll just have to matter-or-fact respond to exactly what was asked, and think carefully that you're not projecting anything of your own issues into what you relay. Both types can be a bit blind to what others really need, but when someone asks for help, if we can dechiper exactly what was said, it makes it straightforward to try to fulfill that and nothing more and without any hidden assumptions or agendas.

Other than that, we all make mistakes, so just say sorry and try to see what else can be done, or if they just need the moral support.

If you watch the videos Wenzes put out on Youtube, you'll get another way of doing it.

Yes, we are constantly misunderstood. We then try to adapt to our surroundings. This is just a coping skill in order to survive though. It's not your authentic self. What then may happen is, when you drop that mask, other people don't like what they see.

So we need to learn how to both adapt, but also be authentic. Wenzes says it in her videos on YT, and you may need to watch several of them to get into the idea what to try out and see for yourself.

Btw, if you're often the scapegoat / black sheep, you might draw people's negativity out. This takes time to transmute, so you have to be patient with people and just ignore their antics. We're going to watch people worldwide go 500% crazy soon..

While we only have your version of the story, in such a situation with an abuser, you're never going to "understand" the abuser or the abuse. You're trying to empathize with someone who tries to pull you down or snare you in. For your own good, you have to realize what your true options are. You're not going to reconcile, get any real empathy or real mutual understanding and the like. And what do you do when you don't get your way? You have to give up! You cannot control another person, but this person will absolutely try to control you or get supply from you.

So what can you do? You can focus on yourself, while realizing how broken the other person is. Let them go, cut the cords to them. Only more abuse and heartache will come your way, if you stay with someone like that. You're not going to heal them, they are actively trying to break you!

Have compassion for yourself. Practice self-care. Focus on yourself, and watch how your self-talk programs your mind. You can change that programming, consciously. By being more conscious what's really going on, and how you respond to what's really going on.

They call infj the logical feeler. You'll doubt and try to see if anything else fits too.

We're already way past overshoot of earth's ecological resources.