Hello, fellow INFJs.

I have been using an app that shows your MBTI. I noticed that the people that I match with that are INFPs are usually too emotional and very clingy. Have you had any experiences with INFPs? It’s usually the same thing for example when I don’t reply for a day or two since I am doing other things, the INFP guy would usually say stuff like “too busy?” “Why aren’t you messaging?” “Infj doorslam?” Those type of messages. I get lots of messages too so I cannot reply to them asap. It takes time for me to reply. I was going to reply by tomorrow when I have a more free time but I was shookt to see my notifs about those type of messages and they are usually coming from INFPs. :(

The INTJs and INTPs I match with are more pleasant to converse with because they do not flood my inbox with dramatic messages. One of the INTJs I matched with took me 2 months to reply to and I apologized and told why my response was late ( his message was from the older messages and I didn’t really check my app that much more last 2 months because I was focusing studying. Though I put on my bio that “my replies might be late so I apologize” ) He just replied, “Hello. No worries. We all have responsibilities and things we have to prioritize first and I understand. How are you?” This INTJ and I still talk now.