Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve tested Infj and occasionally isfj. But in the last two years, I’ve felt that I’m less caring and less patient with people. I still act friendly and caring on the outside and I still do care, and want to help friends, family and strangers to the best of my ability, but inside me there is something empty. I don’t know how to describe it? The pain that others go through affects me less. And I care less than I used to, even about what happens to me. I feel dispassionate, if that’s a word, I’m in my 50’s,and just wondering if that has anything to do with it? So I’ve been through menopause, and could it be less hormones? Just curious about others experience. I’m actually thinking I’m happier now with less cares or concerns what others think. Often I feel like a passive observer of life and others emotions.