Please don't use the word "evolve" until you understand how it happens via natural selection

Lack of capitalization for a proper noun

Whatever you do, keep prioritizing YOU above anyone else.

Don't get sucked into everyone else's lives while you're not living your own and setting yourself up to keep doing so throughout your life.

Aim for your own success and make sure your needs are met and, only after that, take on any attempts at helping others. Otherwise, you may end up needing much more help than you give throughout your life.

Taking care of yourself fully allows you to have the option of doing anything else for others.

Expect to be confused as long as you're going based on pseudoscience.

The position of stars affects people how exactly? This question goes unanswered but it's the basis for astrology.

All of the readings are generalized enough to be applicable in some way or another most of the time. Swapping the labels and predictions in scientific tests has proven that any combination can with for the same amount of people who try it.

Our eyes sense light via few types organelles on our retinae called rods and cones.

We perceive white when all of these types of organelles are stimulated in a localized area.

Rods are responsible for our sense of brightness and have a lower threshold of stimulation for us to receive noticable neurological signals than the cones do. This is why we see in grayscale in low-light conditions.

Most people have three types of cones which are responsible for sensing color. Each type is based on the physical shape that the cone has, which determines which frequencies of light can possibly interact with it in such a way that it stimulates the nerve it's connected to. One is stimulated by a range of red light, one is stimulated by a range of green light, and one is stimulated by a range of blue light.

In close clusters, red light, green light, and blue light stimulate cones close enough to each other that we sense white from that area of our visual field.

When we zoom in or enlarge the space that each pixel takes up in our visual field — such as when water droplets magnify a spot on our phone screens — we shift from seeing white to seeing individual spots of blue, green, and red.

Yes, depending on the communication, person, and amount of opportunities to practice.

I had a partner get significantly better when their mental health was more in check. Having anxiety or other mental blocks kept them in first or second gear but being comfortable in their own skin and feeling well enabled them to let loose and be fully engaged. You've got to be engaged to kiss well and explore unfamiliar skills.

What's the best support of these claims?

She can do whatever she wants. I just go natural but I'm open to trimming. I need something to prevent chaffing so I don't really prefer to fully shave myself.

It would be interesting to post about what you've learned. You could also help people learn more about pseudoscience, false claims, misinformation, etc. and save them from wasting their time or getting scammed potentially.

I would learn more about her perspective before adding in your own thoughts.

You're just fueling a fire you don't understand yet if you keep saying things without understanding how she's thinking

Read Sex Talks by Vanessa Marin, LMFT, with your partner and it will help you each help each other and understand each other and yourselves better

act as though they were interested me when really they’re just attracted to all women.

How narrow and how broad does their interest need to be for you to accept that they're interested in you?

I look at virtually everything I can before swiping yes on someone AND I'm open to a pretty wide array of features, qualities, interests, and dating goals.

I don't think that my openness to one person should affect the validity of my openness or interest in anyone else — I'd have questions for anyone who expressed thoughts like this to me while dating.

If you can't comfortably be honest, it's not anything close to a perfect match. You could get there if you both put in work and time but there's no guarantee.

Take some breaths, think about your ideal relationship regardless of whom it's with, and proceed with your life without being too hung up on how he or anyone else wants to live

You seem reasonable. He seems quick to judge and react and slow to check himself and listen.

He showed you that he doesn't communicate well enough to date someone at your level of openness and patient communication. Believe him.

when all else has tried to end me

...I finish myself

Each person can be wildly different from the last and the next.

If you're being you and a person doesn't mesh with it, what does that tell you?

  1. Listen to Sex Talks by Vanessa Marin, LMFT
  2. Do the exercises together
  3. Figure out what you each want to do after knowing yourselves and each other better

Communicating that you want to do this as you have time and following through on it will help him not "pressure" you and not feel so hurt by not getting the amount, forms, and quality of connection that he wants in the meantime.

It depends on how conversations go if you're both willing to have open dialogue

the data from all of the dating apps shows
