I'm in New York City on vacation for a few days (originally from Canada) and have struggled with social anxiety for most of my life, but I've been trying to take baby steps outside of my comfort zone and actually interact with some people.

I've been watching some videos on youtube about how to interact with random people, make small talk, and create a good first impression, and decided I was going to try it.

I was at a subway when I saw a nice looking guy, so I decided I'll just go up to him, say hi, ask him how his day is going, and probably run away lol. We make eye contact, I smile, and I begin to walk up to him. I barely manage to say "hi" when he just punches my fucking solar plexus??? It wasn't even that hard but it still hurt and he just jogged off before he said anything. Like dude what??

Some bystander saw and she helped me up (bless her soul) and asked if I was okay. Bit shaken up and everything and ran back to my hotel room after that but hey, at least I managed to talk to that kind lady, so after all, I take it as a win?

Has this happened to anybody else? Reminded me why I just stay home most of the time. Maybe it's normal in the States? Also for context I'm a 34 y/o male with a decent (but not great physique) if that makes any difference.