So last night I (26m) was having sex with a girl (20f) I have been seeing for a month.

During the act I randomly remembered that we may have forgotten our leftovers at the restaurant (that we went to before she came over). Because I am stupid, I impulsively blurted "This is random, but did we forget our food at the restaurant?" in a half-way joking manner.

She seemed offended and asked "This is what you are thinking about, not me?" I tried to recover. I explained I have ADD (which is true, and I have already told her). I told her basically my mind races and even though when I have sex with her I am 99% focused on her, random thoughts will pop in my head. That this happens both during sex and just doing anything (this is also true). I told her I think about her a lot, even when I am not with her.

She seemed to somewhat accept my answer but she remarked: "I will remember this," I think jokingly but I'm not sure. We come from different cultures (I am American, she is Ukrainian), so there may be a lot lost in translation. To be clear I actually like this girl. We had sex like 5 times and both came a bunch last night. I also take her places and do fun activities with her. Overall, I truly believe I treat her well both inside and outside the bedroom, so I hope she sees I am in into her.

Anyways, how bad did I screw up? Would you be offended if a guy blurted out what I said during sex?