Age difference will get less relevant as you get older. If you like him and still like him going forward then keep it going.

Honestly it’s not your problem so it’s not your responsibility to pay for their problems. If you give that money unfortunately you may never see it again or be able to go on that trip. I would say take the trip and have a good time.

At least I can sleep safe and sound knowing some of my classmates opened a business and got themselves work doing something they are good at and love doing.

Looks like a hurst but if it was more depressing and if they took out the appeal to drive it.

My boss got mad I whipped my dick out and started hitting my keyboard and mouse with it.

Yes just ask any of the dudes she has been with. She is ubgaggable

$2.50 is a bit steep for that. Wait that’s $250. Nah way too much

Father I have sinned. I had relations with someone other than my wife or I should say they did… my dog humped my leg.

Son well you had to find out sometime and I guess that day is today.

The milkman is your dad and I know I am never around.

At least you know the truth to why I don’t care about your birthday.

Well if you do want to be technical you are not 100% wrong. Mac is expensive and if you broke one you would probably cry with the cost of repairs.

Is it secure and hard to get viruses compared to windows? Absolutely. Are there cheaper alternatives to perform this same function? 100%

Most get MacBooks to avoid having to worry about their child’s safety on the internet and because it looks trendy. While if you didn’t care about the trendy aspect Linux would be a perfect alternative. Also bloatware is an issue with Macs as well.

I am speaking from someone who owns windows, Linux and Mac. It certainly checks a few of the boxes for being the perfect PC for kids. Issue is kids break things and honestly rather give my kid a duster laptop with Ubuntu on it before giving them a MacBook. And of course the amount of bloatware.

It’s basically a weak attempt to get you hired with the assumption that lower end jobs would get intimidated by your mba. My advice is to show it proud. They may start you on entry level position but will consider you for higher positions once one comes along. Secret to a good resume is formatting and stating relevant experience to the company you want to work for.

Sounds like they are trying to mold you into a certain position. By chance did you get career advice from an agency? One told me to remove all my jobs from my resume and put what I learned instead and another told me I am a perfect fit for a construction worker. I have a degree in computer science.

Some adidas products are unisex so if it fits you are good.

Well my inner child is in need of fries. Getting fries technically satisfies both options

Let’s try to get as many home runs as possible. No first or second base junk

“We come here to ask the biggest question. Are you smarter than a 5th grader?”

I see you are getting active in your later years. Lots of group chats…. Umm why is this chat called the high mileage club asking who wants to join in an orgy in a forest.

Free body disposal and room cleanup. Your boss and the cops do not need to know the disaster that happened in that room. It will be like they never existed and you were never here.