I'm a mid-career American. In 2022, I left my job and moved to Europe for business school. I earned my MBA in August 2023. My resume is crystal-clear about this . I've since returned to the United States to look for a new role.

Last week, I paid Indeed.com $35 for their "Resume Review Video Service." I got a ten-minute screen-shared video in which the Indeed Resume Coach rewrote my "Summary" section to remove any mention of my 2023 MBA. She then advised I preface my "Employment History" by noting that I was on "Personal Leave May 2022–May 2024."

Down in my "Educational History" section, she focused her time on revisions to my 2000 bachelor's degree. She completely minimized my 2023 MBA.

Is that good advice? Is a European MBA so unusual in the American job market that I would be better leaving it out entirely? My business school consistently ranks among the top 100 in all those (admittedly silly) business magazine pageants.

If I do leave out my MBA, what in the world should I tell interviewers about all this "Personal Leave" I've taken?

I don't know how to anonymize an entire 10-minute video, so I can't share the whole thing, but here is a screenshot of what she replaced my MBA with .
