The DAIRY FREE Subreddit

r/dairyfree42.1K subscribers6 active
State of the Sub. Suggestions for r/dairyfree?

Hello everyone,

Once again we are looking for suggestions on what you would like to see on the sub! Is there anything you want to see more or less of?

Leave a comment, see some change!

Pinnedby Auroboro
Safe antibiotics

My daughter is anaphylactic allergic to dairy and also allergic to amoxicillin. I’m having a lot of anxiety right now since I’m certain she has strep and we’re going to the doctor in a few hours. I’m worried about safe antibiotics. Has anyone with a severe dairy allergy taken Zpac or azithromycin? Or something else safe that is used for strep? I just want to be somewhat informed before going so I can ask the right questions about safety.

Words of caution for ordering out: assume incompetence and lax adherence to law. Something of a rant, but I hope its instructional for new dairyfree folks

Its frustrating how complicated dining out is. Really has made me realize how much its a privilege; if my reactions were more serious I doubt I would ever eat out. Its not just about the food, either, there is a social and logistical cost, too. I really feel for people who experience that.

I feel bad being that customer, but I've been burned so many times. How do you navigate these issues?

-needing to literally define dairy at every interaction. I have to say "no milk products, cheese, or butter" Its not eggs.

-needing to explain to waitstaff to check every part of the meal. The bread, the sauce. The grill.

-labels, if they have them, can be misleading. Plant-based and dairy free certainly imply safety, but arent certain. Plant based can mean majority plant, and dairy-free can mean lactose free, and still contain other compounds

-the bread! So many places I go cannot tell me what is in their bread! Local places that get fresh local bread, its great, but no ingredient list. Fairly sure you need to know what you are serving people.

-missing out on other ingredients, because they assume I can't have eggs or mayo, or other people in the party getting something without cheese. Sorry buddy

-now that the group has had to listen to my multiple negotiations, the topic turns to why I'm dairy free and now the we're talking about my poo before dinner.

-cost. Cheese is usually factored into the cost, when I sub it out for avocado or grilled peppers or what-not, I'm often getting double charged, but at this point I've interrogated so much I can't really ask.

  • Asking for accommodations makes me want to tip for the service, the people are trying and caring, just untrained. But the quality is often subpar.

  • places with language barriers are extra tricky, which is tragic

Have you found any short cuts here?

I've had luck with calling ahead during off hours, and (sadly) going with corporate places, and using online guides.

Its important that we speak up when we eat out, even those of us with more mild reactions. These places clearly need practice.

Is using I Can't Believe It's Not Butter on popcorn a bad idea?

Recently dairy free and craving buttered pop corn. I've heard margarine has a higher water content vs butter. Can I use I Can't Believe It's Not Butter on popcorn or will that just make it soggy?

I'm going to give this a shot

I have suffered from chronic hives. They plague my very existence. I am trying cutting out dairy to see if that helps. The reason I think it may be dairy is because I use Dr. Teals bath bubbles from them to time with no issue. One time i used one called milk and honey which contained milk proteins. When I used that particular bubble bath I had a skin reaction. Here's to hoping this works!

Dairy free hazelnut creamer

Does anyone know of any DF hazelnut creamer? I’ve only ever seen nut pods which I really don’t care for.

I miss Cheese and Yogurt

I’ve been forced to go dairy free (1 year so far) due to a severe milk allergy and I cannot stop thinking about cheese and yogurt. I’m honestly just praying this allergy somehow miraculously disappears and I can eat dairy again. I still cannot find a good vegan cheese to help with my cravings. They all taste plasticity to me. At this point I’ve stopped trying new brands because each one I’ve tried, I’ve disliked. I don’t want to keep wasting money on food I won’t like. I’ve found a semi good vegan yogurt but it’s really not comparable to the real thing. Why couldn’t I just be lactose intolerant instead of allergic 😭 I would just need to take the enzyme or buy lactose free dairy if that didn’t work.

I just needed to rant a little I guess

Mouth wash warning

I had some problems with a tooth and I bought Eludril because I thought it was more powerful than the other mouthwash I had. It turned out to be a very sweet crap and I even got a lactose intolerance reaction.

Not only that sleazy label does not list lactose among the ingredients. But it also tells not to rinse the mouth after spitting it. The tiny quantity of mouthwash that remained in the mouth after I spit it was enough to cause a reaction. These criminals even sell their products in the pharmacies.

What's your favorite diary alternative milk?

I'm just curious to what everyone else drinks. My sister solidly drinks oat milk but I'm not a fan. I prefer just about anything else. Normally I buy almond milk but my favorite is homemade almond milk. It's super creamy and tastes nothing like the store bought stuff.

I haven't tried hemp or rice milk but I've tried pretty much every other one.

Anyway, what's your favorite?

A1 casein in Puerto Rico?

Does anyone know if Puerto Rico uses a1 or a2 dominant cow dairy? Or maybe they use sheep or goat? When I went to Greece I was able to eat all the dairy I wanted because it was all sheep and goat.

Milk and stool formation

Anyone else experienced their bowel movements going from 3-4 to 5 when they consume milk? If no fiber present then they turn to type 1


Silk Half & Half - Has The Quality Changed?

I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed a decline in Silk's Half & Half? I'm hoping it's just something to do with the current batch, but I've bought 2, both with July expire dates, both I shook, both are thin and the taste seems more muted.

I use two measured table spoons in my coffee, and the colour looks off, almost watered down.

Thought I'd ask here before I start looking for something new. I don't want to look for something new...I liked the old thing...I hate change.

New to this whole dairy free thing

I’m lactose intolerant, apparently was tested for some allergens as a kid and this flagged but it didn’t mess with me. Cows milk has always bugged me but the other stuff never did. Now that I’m older, it’s a bit worse.

So question, considering cheese is one of my favorite things ever along with ice cream and all the other dairy I’m finding I shouldn’t consume anymore.

Do the lactose supplements like Lactaid actually work? I want to try, but if it’s not going to work I might as well save some money.

If you could eat dairy for one day what would you eat?

I would be eating pizza rolls and cotton candy ice cream!

New Orleans

My partner and I are heading to New Orleans for the week and looking for those hidden Dairy free gems or even what to look out for. We are both very lactose intolerant but most importantly, always on the hunt for those special treats.

Little background… we are from the west coast of Canada and love going through new grocery stores to find baked goods or new chocolate bars. Our last trip to Palm Springs we scored about ten vegan Reese peanut butter cups.

Anything recommendations!?

Homemade Ice Cream

Does anyone have a good homemade ice cream recipe? My wife is allergic to dairy and she has never had homemade ice cream so I would like to make her some for Memorial Day since I was planning on making regular ice cream for everyone else.

Been lactose intolerant but have found relief with A2

Was lactose intolerant my whole life before trying Alec’s Ice Cream and Laurel’s coffee which both use A2 dairy. I was skeptical because dairy historically gives me insane rashes but with all I’ve been reading about the oils in alternative milks I thought I’d give it a try.

Have you tried either of these brands and felt the same? Starting to see more A2 yogurts at Whole Foods so I think it might be here to stay

Very simple or Boxed meals that is Dairy free.

My boyfriend is lactose intolerant and I'm quite bad at cooking. We have a poor diet if I'm going to be honest. He takes lactaid as much as possible,I usually make pasta meals 9 times out of 10. A lot of it is Mac n Cheese and isn't really not going well for him even with the lactaid. I would like some suggestions. I already make a decent amount for Hamburger Helper, and try to make spaghetti or sloppy joes. I'm looking for some very easy crockpot, boxed meals or some with little cooking. Lactaid milk is very expensive and I'm hoping to try and find something that just doesn't use milk(and milk products like Alfredo or cheese). Please help.