Judging from the questions you make I think you have a lot to learn about the food industry and the food we eat. Additives, sugar and unlabelled dairy on a daily basis can be a bit difficult to digest even if you are young and strong enough to tolerate some irritation.

I guess that you are only mildly intolerant, but the overall diet you make keeps constantly some irritation build up and that renders you more reactive.

I don't know about the hot food, but did you consider that the problem with the Mac is not just the cheese, but a nasty combination? The bun contains dairy and sugar. The ketchup or the mayo contain some more sugar. The meat itself sometimes is soaked in milk to remove the bitter taste of poor base ingredients. The pickled vegetables and the sauces together may pack some other additives.

Even the problem pizza is a little bit more than the cheese on top. Also the dough contains milk, milk makes bread and dough products more fluffy. The milk in the dough might be less than the milk in that dessert that you can eat without problems, unless when you eat a pizza you eat a lot more than a single slice.

Hot chocolate? Hot liquids trigger the bowel movements, at that point you may feel the remander of problems that you accumulated before.

Many possibilities. 1. I second the comment by Novel-Cash-8001. If they use normal milk, with lactase added, they can label it lactose free, but it will still contain traces of lactose.

  1. Cocoa naturally has a bit of a bitter aftertaste. Milk was meant to cover it up, if the producers don't use milk they put a fucking lot of sugar (they could solve the problem with a little bit more of cocoa butter, but that is expensive). If you were recovering from a recent bowel irritation the sugar on the old wound is like fuel over fire.

  2. The label is fake. Some chocolates marked as vegan and listing plant based milk in the ingredients may contain some lactose.

Do you know why the sanctions against Russia failed? Because they were never meant to work.They were flawed from the beginning and the Americans keep coming out with partial sanctions full of loopholes and at the seame time they pretend that they cannot convince the other countries in Asia and Africa to join the sanctions.

Between the US and Russia is going like at the time of the cold war. They pretend to fight each other and then crush the smaller countries caught in the middle.

In the fascist period all the newspaper said the same things and quickly lost the trust of the readers. Millions of heads think in millions of different ways.

People in power learned the lesson and setup a media system made up by many voices that seem different. Each of them is designed to get the trust of a different segment of population. But all of them eventually serve the same goal.

If you read the erly writings by Chomsky (in the latest 15 years he switched sides and joined the pundits) you could learn about the art of creating a discussion trapped between opposing falsehoods. That is a constant today, you can hear many voices that say many different things. None of them is telling the truth.

How did we create the conditions for mafia to take control of the country when it happened before a lot of us were born?

Why do you use the "we"? Are you part of the Anglo-America big business that bribes, creates frontmen and puppets that control the small client states around the world?

Well in any case I'll edit my comment because your "we" lets me think that there is some room for misinterpretation.

An article by Politico. One of the many media outlets controlled by big business. It's not a surprise that they talk in this way about them. It is their habit to bribe around and place their puppets on top of the governments around the world then use them as frontmen to attract the attention.

Those businessmen who sit in their cozy offices in London and New York, the very same people who instruct their pundit journalist to blame the puppets for everything are those who created the conditions for this to happen.

Disclaimer. I moved here from another EU state turned into a colony and I'm putting in this opinion also the experience I made observing what happens in my home country. There may be some bias in it, but on the long term it helps understand a lot of things.

If there are not enough funds for the roof. Would a cheap cover of plastic sheets on the floor with a makeshift drainage mitigate the problem of water infiltration? That would buy some time for future decisions.

The Buzludzha monument is falling to piecesAskBulgaria

I read the English page dedicated to the Buzludzha monument on Wikipedia and it said that in 2020 a fund was set up to do some works to preserve the monument. But from what I saw nothing has been done and in few years the damage will be irreparable.

I have been there few weeks ago. I saw that in many places the surface concrete peeled out exposing to corrosion the iron rebar. But what's worse, the snow accumulated inside during the winter was melting and the water percolating through the floor was dripping out everywhere. The structure is full of holes caused by the water that corroded its way through the floor and the base, it means that also the iron rebar in the inner parts is exposed to corrosion.

The entire building is subjected to a slow structural damage that in few years will be irreparable. I saw few monuments of the soviet era and that one seems the only one that is worth saving and reusing. But it seems that the Bulgarian authorities are not of the same opinion. What is going to be its fate? Waiting some more years to decide if the Bulgarians want to keep it or not means that the decision it to let it fall down.


I see that many people would be happy to see it falling down. Why not just replace the ugly parts, like the star on the tower and some mosaics inside, especially the one with the socialist leaders? Then you could turn it into something else. The building itself does not have such political connotation.

I don’t see anything lactose or milk related.

This is why I posted a warning. Unlabelled lactose is a scam. It is even a scam in a product sold in the pharmacies, this makes it more serious. Watch out.

It does have xylitol - which can give a gastric reaction if consumed.

It also contains green 3 very high up, and yellow 5 - I avoid synthetic dyes.

I know people who react to limonene as well.

As I wrote before I use other mouthwashes. The ingredients you posted are quite common and I never had any reaction. I also know well my reactions I had been dealing with LI for a long time. That product contains lactose.

Mouth wash warning

I had some problems with a tooth and I bought Eludril because I thought it was more powerful than the other mouthwash I had. It turned out to be a very sweet crap and I even got a lactose intolerance reaction.

Not only that sleazy label does not list lactose among the ingredients. But it also tells not to rinse the mouth after spitting it. The tiny quantity of mouthwash that remained in the mouth after I spit it was enough to cause a reaction. These criminals even sell their products in the pharmacies.


I don't know how things are going in the US, but here in the last three years the amount of food recycled after the expiry date and adulterated with dairy or pure lactose increased dramatically. The funny thing is that here the population did not increase, but food exports did increase. Since the world population is growing madly I suspect that food recycling is a global phenomenon.

I might be wrong, but if your LI is getting worse might be because you are unwittingly eating often adulterated food and the consequent bowel irritation is making you more sensitive.

It is true that the ability to digest lactose decreases with age, but from and age of 17 to an age of 23 I do not expect a big change.

Anyway, you ought to limit all dairy for a while, watch your symptoms and see if some food you did not expect to cause any issue is actually causing a reaction.

Trump was just playing his role in a scripted show. He vented anger against NYT to make them appear as victims. To prop up their reputation which in the last few years has been constantly going down.

Go away troll. You know well that that's not what I said.

You may loose your ability to digest lactose as you age, but it does not happen suddenly. However if you have some bowel irritation you can become more sensitive. If the problem builds up eating bad food over several meals in a row you can get severe reactions.

So, your reaction probably is not linked only to the fact that you had milk, but the big amount that you had over the period of many days.

Lactose is a sugar with a very mild taste. It covers the bitter taste without being as noticeable as sucrose or other sugars. It is very convenient for the food industry to cover up the bitter of stale food or poor quality ingredients.

The problem is often minimised because it is in the interest of a lot of businesses to minimise it. If you want to let people understand how serious is your problem you will have to understand how to counter a lot of disinformation.

The fact that high-skilled people are better off doing construction work

Underpaid, under the table for you means better off? For me it means that builders hire foreigners because it is easier to exploit them.

That sentence is enough to understand you attitude, I won't comment on the statements about the academic world because I know that you would refuse to acknowledge the real situation.

I see a lot of problems overlapping here. First a lot of people underestimate the issue because there is a lot of disinformation out there. The very simple fact that the first answer you got was take few pills and the issue is solved gives the idea of how difficult it is just to let people understand.

Then judging from you comment I assume that you still you didn't go through that long painful period needed to understand what you can and cannot eat. You will eventually learn that dairy is present everywhere, sometimes visible or in the labels, sometimes hidden, sometimes even use in food adulteration (to recycle expired food).

You will have to learn to prepare your own food, not only because it is difficult to let your parents understand the scale of your problem, but also because you really have to pay attention to what you eat, every single ingredient.

In the beginning if you can't cook you can start by preparing salads adding boiled eggs or canned fish to get some proteins. Until you understand your level of tolerance a little bit better you need to reduce the noise. You ought to avoid even the food that is described as low lactose like yogurt or hard cheese. And avoid the pills in the beginning, don't add confusion.

But do any of those countries seek nuclear weapons with intent to use them? I dont think so.

We know nothing about the intent.

No. NK does not have birthright. The current elite in power finds useful to push in the role members of the Kim family, but that is not something established by any law or constitution.

Like Parliament can abolish the monarchy tomorrow if it wanted,

That is not a given. Their legislation could be blocked by the house of lords.

No. In the modern world there is nobody who believes to that kind of propaganda. Western media gives a lot of evidence to these stories just to create a colorful picture, but it tells nothing about what happens there.

First. We know little or nothing about North Korea we don't have elements to derive any conclusion.

But I also have to notice that the premises of your question are not correct. Coups are normally driven from above, but in the case of the countries you cite, rebellions coming from below created instability that opened the way for the hardliners to take over.

In Myanmar people revolted against fraudulent elections and they fell from the frying pan into the fire when the protests were met by a coup of the hardliners. In the African nations poverty and hunger exacerbated by overpopulation are causing a permanent instability. Even in the African case we have governments that could not control the rebellions replaced by hardliners pushing for harsher repression.