I meant I run or S&C after and on Wednesday I keep it pretty light but yea on Saturday morning I’m so tired and sprints on top of it make it so where monday I’m still tired so that’s why I was thinking of doing it Sunday morning. But then I don’t know if that’ll effect my Monday spar

Training routine fatigue management

M-F night i box then run/S&C after. Friday I finish with a 3mi jog at night.

Is it smarter to do my sprints Sat morning pretty fatigued, but I have 60hrs rest till Monday night boxing.

Or do my sprints Sunday morning which is around 30hr rest after Friday night training and 30hrs rest until Monday night training

Waterpark Las Cascadas vs Surf n Fun

Which has the bigger faster funner slides

Can you send a link of where u bought them? And what’s the diff between endo and ecto

Fodzyme vs Fodmate vs IBgard

I have symptoms to onions and garlic where I feel full of air and having to burp for hours. I’ve taken fodzyme before and it works good it’s just very expensive, and I see fodmate is cheaper. Also was wondering if maybe peppermint pills like IBgard can work instead.

Casein intolerance

Does anyone know if Puerto Rico uses a1 or a2 dominant cow dairy? Or maybe they use sheep or goat? When I went to Greece I was able to eat all the dairy I wanted because it was all sheep and goat.

Casein intoleranceOpinión

Does anyone know if Puerto Rico uses a1 or a2 dominant cow dairy? Or maybe they use sheep or goat? When I went to Greece I was able to eat all the dairy I wanted because it was all sheep and goat.

a1 casein in Puerto Rico?

Does anyone know if Puerto Rico uses a1 or a2 dominant cow dairy? Or maybe they use sheep or goat? When I went to Greece I was able to eat all the dairy I wanted because it was all sheep and goat.

A1 casein in Puerto Rico?

Does anyone know if Puerto Rico uses a1 or a2 dominant cow dairy? Or maybe they use sheep or goat? When I went to Greece I was able to eat all the dairy I wanted because it was all sheep and goat.

Think Luquillo is my choice, appreciate the helpful suggestions. If u know any good spots of adventure or nature near it let me know!

Best place for me?

Never been to Puerto Rico but I’m looking for what’s the best place/area if I’m looking for nice beach with good waves, and not too far from good nature, hiking, forests, etc. Looking more for outside adventure instead of night life

I know I’m asking if I should run or lift before my sparring days - which will effect my sparring less

What’s the full ingredients, they don’t have it listed on their site

Fructose amount vs fructose ratio

What’s more important because one fruit could have less fructose per 100g but it’s bigger than the glucose so it’s not digested, vs a fruit that’s more fructose per 100g but it’s smaller than the glucose so it’s better digested?

Creatine water weight loss

I am amateur boxer i weigh 169 and fight at 165, I was wondering how much water weight would I lose if I stop taking creatine a week before my fight? And would it be even more water weight loss if I stop a week and a half before fight?

I didn’t know they were synonyms, but yea what about anxiety or nervous?

Because full understanding the meaning of a emotion can help with being able to control them, which is a stoic goal vampirehunter