Is this hypertonic?Female

I've had some trouble starting and maintaining a stream when it comes to urinating. This is the only real symptom I have of a hypertonic pelvic floor, but I know that my history of high anxiety and tensing all my muscles for prolonged periods of time has left issues elsewhere in my body (teeth grinding, constrained breathing and neck tension). This is something I have dealt with, so a hypertonic floor wouldn't be surprising.

It's not always bad, but mornings can be pretty brutal, as I can often tell there is urinary retention going on and I have trouble with knowing what to do with my muscles to improve this.

I don't have other problems with my pelvic floor, so my doctor said it is likely mainly 'functional', meaning no obvious cause or obvious solution...

He suggested I get an ultrasound to determine if there is any retention going on, so hopefully that gives clarity but I am worried that I'll get a 'lucky' one and the test won't show what occurs especially in the mornings, and often right after sex.

Anyways, since I don't have many other symptoms associated with a hypertonic pelvic floor, I was wondering if others here had any similar experiences, any recommendations or ideas as to what can cause this isolated symptom to occur...

The reason mbti results are bad at predicting life outcomes is because the tests:

  1. Do not measure cognitive functions, and if they do, the definitions used are vague and often not correctly aligned to functions accurately.
  2. Do not take into account the pessimism/optimism (charge) of cognitive functions


  1. People want to be certain types due to their reputation (whereas the big 5 doesn't have this issue as much), creating more dishonesty and answers that fit a narrative rather than represent reality. This is a major problem in the community, creating close-mindedness and reluctance to change type due to its impact on people's sense of identity.
  2. People often don't know themselves as much as they think they do.
  3. Though your type and cognitive functions don't change, nurture and stage of life can affect the expression of your type and functions, which is difficult for tests to pick up on or distinguish between.

The big five only has 5 measurements, whereas in reality type has 8 at least (each cognitive function since we all have all 8), plus the fact that the functions are utilized differently depending on their exact position makes the measurement itself much more complicated.

This, however, imo, makes the big 5 reductive since it only measures a few human traits and misses many others. It also has the issue of being vague (albeit less than mbti even). For example, openness can be many different things. One can be open to new experiences but less open to new ideas. People can be open with their emotions, open with their flexibility, with their decisions... The same applies to agreeableness. One can be agreeable because they are affiliative and default to social norms or they can be agreeable because they know that their opinions/thoughts/desires/preferences would be received poorly and not because it's natural for them to adopt social norms internally.

Cognitive functions are much more accurate at both describing and predicting behavior, but they are difficult to measure in a test due to their complexity. To create an accurate test is a dream of mine, but it would probably require much more programming than a test like the big 5 or 16p, which relies on percentages to determine fact, which always leaves room for inaccuracies.

It is unfortunate that most mbti tests do not even attempt to type based on functions (but rather do it based on dichotomies which do not accurately depict functions), meaning they will be inaccurate the majority of the time...

The big five is vague in reality, but it tries to be specific and concise which is temporarily making it look better than the 16 personality theories (which are inconsistent at best, since the community cannot agree on basic definitons of functions). It is my opinion, however, that this will change as the science develops and more accurate information is available and more widely accepted than it is currently.

Will definitely be trying this!!

Just bought a lash primer again yesterday. Hope this helps! But it seems like my tiny comb was basically what was necessary. On the right track then, I guess. Will keep trying! Thank you for the recommendations!

Yup, I find brand new mascara always clumps way worse and for a while until it becomes... well, old. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« for now, my little comb works okay, but I'm definitely gonna look into a lash separator! Thanks :)

It depends on what you would feel the need to bring up and why. Some reasons could be good, some bad, depending on the situation. If you'd like to elaborate, many responses here could be more practical advice.

If there is any animosity or resentment in the air, it will make the individual who is avoiding an emotional situation way more avoidant and uncomfortable, as well as possibly defensive. So, if there is any part of you that feels resentful or bitter about the situation, it could go really poorly and harm your currently vulnerable relationship.

It's likely that this is a situation that should be discussed if this is a long-term friendship that you'd like to develop further in the future. ENXPs and INXJs, especially, if you are these types, tend to be hesitant to bring up the past due to their naturally negative perception of the past and its factual realities, which can be painful to re-experience for both parties. This is tender ground for a relationship, and it requires lots of humility (ideally from both parties, but even one out of two goes a long way).

Here are some pointers that could help a potential 'confrontation':

ā€¢ Come to it with good intentions, good intentions for them as a person, and good intentions for your relationship. Stay hopeful for the future of the relationship, and set the tone straight that your intention is to be a good friend for them and someone who wants the best for them. Especially since you both spent a year actively not choosing each other and intentionally avoiding each other, this goodwill and good intention and optimistic hope is really needed in order to make the relationship work, especially since intuition Heros (Ni & Ne Hero) want to have a future together, want to want good things together and for each other, and this is really the main thing these types connect on. Being the one to set this straight and specify explicitly that you want them in your life will set the tone to both serious and wholesome, seeing as both these types really just want to be wanted and chosen by one another.

ā€¢ Be humble to a fault. There is no better time than now, as nothing you say will matter in another's eyes if your character says arrogant all over it.

ā€¢ Don't pass blame. This can be hard to do if both parties feel like they have been wronged. Even if the other person has done something wrong, blaming them outright will never keep peace or increase growth. If anything, leading with what you feel you did wrong and where your fault was, will absolutely help your case and will help the other person see your goodwill and your genuine attempt to examine yourself in a new light and apologize for any wrongdoing. Even if they do not return it, you will know that you were capable of self-reflection and fair self-criticism, as well as personal growth, and that you were able to be vulnerable with another person in that way, so that would still be something to be grateful for.

ā€¢ Genuinely try to understand their perspective and ask follow-up questions to clarify anything you feel yourself assuming. Every time they say they felt some type of way, try to put yourself wholeheartedly into what that would feel like and try to understand their emotions from their point of view. Try to see how what you've done could have affected things, own these things, and initiate and commit to change.

ā€¢ If you remember things differently from them, remind yourself that all humans have fallible memory and that you could be misremembering things too. Admitting that to the other person would be another W as well if it is relevant, and acknowledging that they could be right is the bigger person thing to do. Being willing to be wrong and admit to being wrong are extremely telling signs of good personal character.

ā€¢ Try to deal with any resentment you have towards anyone involved within yourself, through forgiving both yourself (after self-examining & criticizing truthfully and setting future intentions to change negative behavior), but mainly forgiving others, as being someone's friend (or close one) and holding in resentment for them for years is the biggest betrayal of all, and a breeding ground for vices and viceful traits developing within. If any type of bitterness and resentment is allowed to live, it has the capability to destroy relationships, especially ENXP and INXJ relationships, as well as destroy an individual's character and potential for virtue.

Idk your situation, I'm sure it is very complicated as most relationships and situations are, especially when involving more than 2 people, but these are just some general guidelines I've found helpful personally and have seen virtuous people utilize. Though I spend hours every day thinking of specific type dynamics and relationships, I still think that this advice really works for most types, as it's guided by human principles and ideal virtues.

Btw I totally acknowledge that your particular situation might require different things due to the particular circumstances and people. My advice is what I find to be general to interpersonal conflict. The nature of your particular conflict is unknown to me, and so the nature of my response might not be tailored perfect to it! But I still hope there is something you feel you could take away from it. I'd still be interested in hearing more of your perspective as well if you'd like to discuss it. If not, that's cool, too.

Mascara troubles[Makeup Help]

TLDR: If anyone has ideas on how to make mascara not clumpy that would be amazing!

I'm kind of new to makeup, always done some but only as of recently have I done it regularly and put more effort in to try to figure out the hiccups I run into instead of giving up.

I find that my old mascaras never clump as much, whereas buying a new bottle is like clump city. It results in thick gobs if I try to get to the root of the eyelash (if I don't my relatively light eyelashes look pretty weird being only black on the tips). I've tried scraping off product on the inside of the bottle prior to application but it just doesn't seem to affect it much at all.

I have a tiny little comb I use to comb the clumps out and push the lashes away from each other, but it's not a perfect solution; it doesn't always work and it takes longer than I'd like it to, especially when getting ready for work and stuff.

What could I be doing wrong? Is it the mascara brand (rimmel)? Could it be poor application technique?

I've toyed with the idea of getting into lash lifts & tints but am on a pretty tight budget, so if anyone has experience using low-priced lifts of this nature that are accessible to buy at drug stores/sephora/Amazon, I am eager to hear recommendations.

But at this point any pointers, feedback or advice is appreciated. I just want nice clean lashes šŸ„ŗ

It's pretty common for Ne Hero, ENTPs do this, too, albeit in a slightly different way.

It takes practice not to be presumptuous as an ENXP. We're so energetic with our predictions and so optimistic about their accuracy that we can neglect more realistic potentials or fail to leave room for things we expect less to also be potentially true.

I would say be careful when these assumptions or presumptions are about others' character, worth, or value as these are particularly harmful to others if not considered in a balanced manner. Giving benefit of the doubt to others is a good way to try to mitigate this. Also, just try to examine what is real before jumping to a conclusion. It'll take practice, but it's definitely doable! :)

What's weird is that I didn't actually freeze it! It was just in the fridge šŸ˜… like many other soy milks before it, haha, but for some reason, it froze!?

I agree with you it's probably fine.. I will see once it thaws again if the chunks are still present since I'm not sure how I'll feel about drinking it if it's still coagulated šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« just feels wrong to drink lol

Thank you for your input! I appreciate it

Okay, but Spenny admitting to Kenny that this was actually funny later on is the most humble we've seen him, Kenny would never.

Majka već gaji 3-4 saksijske orhideje, mislim da joj je dosta. Žali se da joj ne cvetaju.

Mi smo iz Vojvodine. Ne znam da li bi neko ravničarsko poljsko cveće bilo odgovarajuće? Ona je veoma sentimentalna i voli nostalgiju.

Nikad ne bih pomislila da broj ima značenje haha hvala

Poklon već imam :) htela sam da dodam cveće jer znam da voli da ima neÅ”to miriÅ”ljavo u vazi

Å ta ide u buket?Pitanje (Question)

Ja živim u Kanadi sa majkom, ovde je Mother's Day u nedelju. Gledam da joj kupim neki buketić sa barem 3-4 različita cveta.

Ne razmiÅ”ljam inače mnogo o cveću, ali znam da ako kupim neÅ”to levo, mama bih totalno reagovala na fazon "otkud si to, to ti je cveće za sahrane/ljubomoru/bol" etd. a ja bih naravno ovo volela da izbegnem.

Znam da ne voli ruže, voli ljiljane i lale, ali ja ne bih znala Ŕta bi iŔlo lepo uz to, idealno neŔto Ŕto nema neko skriveno negativno značenje u naŔoj kulturi koje je meni nepoznato.

Ako iko ima ideje ili predloge, zahvaljujem se unapred.

P.S. Izvinjavam se ako mi je gramatika očajna, pričam engleski 24/7, osim sa mamom jednom nedeljno. A i onda sa njom pričam engleski da njoj pomognem da nauči i da veruje u svoje mogućnosti. Ako su rečenice predugačke to radim i na engleskom, pa za to možete da me rostujete.

Bob Marley was an ISFP. Don't believe everything you read on PDB. People voting on the letters has nothing to do with cognitive functions people objectively have. I know it's the only source most have, but try not to assume it's true because most of them are wrong due to the flawed nature of the 4 letter voting system.

Also, both ISFPs and INFPs can be lazy (most people can).

ISFPs can find it easier to be passionate about stuff due to Ni Child optimism (3rd function), whereas INFPs have Ni Critic (6th function), which is doubly pessimistic and often feels hopeless and demotivated.

However INFPs can be very dutiful and dedicated if they use their Si Child (3rd function) to dedicate themselves to a cause and feel responsible for getting the work done, instead of simply staying in their comfort zone and not trying (which is pretty common for young INFPs).

Ceasing laziness is harder for some types, but it is always solely down to the individual whether or not they overcome it. I'm an ENFP and can definitely be lazy by nature, but tracking my habits & goals on paper as well as having external accountability has helped me stay dedicated and motivated. It's all about practicing not being lazy over and over and over and over again until it gets easier and the fruits of your labor start becoming your reward.

Diminishing instant gratification in general helps a lot. :)


It's totally normal, especially for types with both Si & Fi. The Si enjoys the experience of time with their partner, and the Fi is happy to be around their partner. With ESTJs having both these functions, being affiliative (codependent) types and being an extrovert (extroverts enjoy their time alone way less than introverts since their inner world is more pessimistic), this is totally normal behavior.

I'm an ENFP and have very similar functions to an ESTJ (and understand this type well, as my mother is one) and I tell my partner I miss him every day while I'm at work lol and then say that I've missed him once I see him. And, my mom totally says she missed me every time we see each other. It's just our way of expressing our appreciation for a significant other or close individual's presence and an indication that we have a much better time being with our partner/family/close friend than being alone. Take it as a compliment. :)

Obviously, I don't know your partner, so I could be wrong, but this is just something I've noticed all philosopher types (ESTJ, ISTJ, ENFP, INFP) do, since they are all affiliative SiFi users. Especially the extroverts since they love spending quality time together with their partner, and they don't tend to want as much time alone.

ISTP and ENFP are definitely compatible, but this pair also has some drawbacks such as extreme enabling of each other, which can definitely lead to immaturity and pride in both parties long-term.

INTJ and ENFP, on the other hand, is a Pedagogue pair, meaning these types have partially perfect compatibility (Intuition and Sensing functions), and partially clash (Thinking and Feeling functions being the same). Ideally, Fi Parent (ENFP) teaches Fi Child (INTJ), and Te Parent (INTJ) teaches Te Child. This does also mean that they have to practice their shadow functions a lot more since both will seek Fe & Ti from their partner (since that is their cognitively compatible function axis). Though this pair can be more turbulent due to some incompatibility in comparison to the easy going nature of the enabling bronze pair (ISTP + ENFP), it can also be incredibly healthy for self-development, growth as well as social development for both parties. And it can arguably be more enjoyable in some ways due to both being Intuitives and being able to connect over their extreme future focus, and can also reap all the benefits of developing their sensing Inferiors (Si & Se 4th) parallel to each other if they choose to aspire and be abmitious with their relationship quality.

I'm not saying that the ISTP & ENFP relationship wouldn't work or isn't naturally compatible because it is really compatible and is actually likely to work in the long term. INTJ & ENFP Pedagogue relationship simply has the added bonus of naturally making each other better people by staying together long term. ISTP & ENFP could totally make each other better as well, but I think they would need to become aware of the ways in which they enable each other and then understand why that might not be a good thing, and then consciously work on their shadow functions. This could boost their relationship a lot in making them more mature. It is just more difficult to do due to their particular compatibility, which is incredibly easy to get comfortable in, too easy almost, so that both people might lack self-development and maturity, and thus have an increased risk of being prideful/arrogant.

Also, yes. I am informative to a fault.

New Mascara Clumping?[Makeup Help]

Hi everyone.

TLDR: old mascara is cool, new mascara clumpy for weeks until opened many times.

I'm decently new to makeup, have always done it a bit, but have been trying more lately. One thing I have noticed over the years, however, is that my new, fresh bottles of mascara always result in ungodly clumps on my lashes, no matter what I do!

I have tried scraping the product off of each side of the brush on the inside of the bottle and this honestly didn't seem to help much.

My current solution is using my old(er) mascara on my eyes first, then trying to add a little length with the new mascara, basically just so that I still keep opening the new bottle as it gets better with usage overtime.

Is there any way I can skip this process by buying more high quality mascara? Is there a trick I am not privy to? I have two Rimmel mascaras and other than the initial clumping issue, I've had no problems with them.

Welp, that's okay! Sometimes you try something new and it doesn't work out, but hey, now you know! šŸ˜… I hope it was a nice day still! It sounds like you really tried to make it a special day for her, and that's what really matters :)

I think the restaurant should go well, because who doesn't like food, right!? I'd be surprised otherwise, haha


Ehh, attachment styles are probably a reductive way of looking at it, seeing as all the types get attached to others differently ,and their nurture/maturity influences it as well. I wouldn't get bogged down in trying to put yourself in one of 3 realistically vague boxes.

I am an ENFP and when I was younger and very emotionally unstable I would react the same way to my partner literally just doing something else for a couple hours, while I would imagine they are either depressed, sad, or angry at me or all of the above and I could not calm down at all until they texted me back. I'm not sure how old you are, but I think this is very common with Sensing Inferiors (Si/Se 4th - INXJs & ENXPs) in their early life. For me, this was more so that I was worried all the time I was doing something bad somehow (unbalanced Fi parent) and that social harmony would be disrupted (Idealist/affiliative disposition) and it would be my fault (Fi) or result from my potential bad character (Ni).

For INTJs, this is likely to be a different story entirely, seeing as Se Inferior is extremely fearful of others abandoning them or betraying them. Plus, having Si Demon (8th function) means that if someone has betrayed them in the past, they will remember it very bitterly and can have a difficult time trusting others.

The solution? Complicated at best. It's probably a lot of learning how to regulate own emotions and practicing being okay with things not always working out in life... The latter is much more difficult for INXJ types as they can be paranoid that others will make bad decisions (Ne Nemesis - 5th function), or betray them (Se Inferior) so much so that it can put too much pressure on their partner and push them away. It can be very difficult not to be paranoid and to trust others, especially if wronged and betrayed in the past. But the situation is still very far from hopeless.

The real solution is forgiveness, which is incredibly difficult to do with any Demon function. Forgiving oneself and people in one's past and appreciating the lessons that have been learned from painful situations is incredibly important and incredibly difficult for lots of Intuitives especially due to their lower sensing functions, functions which govern how we deal with the past and our traumas. So this is something to keep in mind and look into. Practicing forgiveness can be hard but crucial for the long-term happiness of any person.

However, a more practical exercise and mental practice is to give your partner the benefit of the doubt, which is something INXJs usually want from others. To avoid being hypocritical, it is important to give others the benefit of the doubt if you would want it for yourself. This is especially true if your partner has been consistent, merciful, and patient through your worries, as they have not deserved doubt in this case. Trying to remind yourself that this is a good, moral thing to want and will make you both happier in the long run could be useful.

And at the end of the day, know that even if you give someone your trust and they betray it, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. It's a hard pill to swallow, but it's true, so doing your best to not doubt your partner when they've done nothing wrong will make your love and your character that much stronger.

Also, yes, INTJs and ISFJs are decently compatible. There are some potential challenges as with most pairings, but they each do have most of the functions the other one seeks in a partner. If your partner is an ISFJ though, this pairing is actually great for trust, seeing as ISFJs are among the most consistently loyal, trusting and dutiful types, and they can be very merciful with others' negative emotions. However, they are actually worried that others won't trust them, so making this a point of high effort on your end would help them be happier as well and more fulfilled in the relationship.

Discouragement is very common for ENFPs. It is our Achilles heal and our ultimate self-sabotage, seeing as if we didn't get so easily discouraged we would have the full capacity to achieve whatever we want.

What are some of the reasons you feel discouraged?

What is it about respiratory therapy that attracted you in the first place?

I find that when it comes to us ENFPs the motivation for doing something has do be what we feel the right thing to do is from a moral and ethical perspective, and it has to be able to help society progress to a better future. So, if this isn't part of your motivation, finding something like that might be helpful!

If any parts of your motivation include things such as "X people want me to", "it will be a successful career monetarily", the motivation itself is not going to last very long as these motives aren't big picture, selfless ones that you chose for yourself for virtuous reasons.


Hi. What do you feel you need the motivation for specifically?

Why do you think you shame and hate yourself? Is this something you struggle with regularly?

I am very sorry that this is something you have to go through and experience. It sounds like you are being extremely hard on yourself and are receiving little grace from the people around you. What makes you put so much pressure on yourself that you don't feel worthy?

I would be honored if you were willing to share.

Depends on your disposition towards life and relationships, really. I'm a relationship oriented idealist, so I would stay with my partner if we had to live in a dumpster, and I'd just be happy because we're together šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but I get that not everyone feels that way.

What's more problematic to me is if you guys can't find common ground where you agree on an ideal place to live together. If they want to move rural and you like a city better sit down and talk about it in a mature way. Pros and cons of each. Find common ground. Figure out a place that works for both of you.

The point isn't to try to get as close as to your own ideal as possible. It's to understand why their ideal is ideal for them, to understand it fully, and then negotiate it so that your joint future is actually ideal for both of you. If you can not see eye to eye on something like this, it could be a sign of a deeper incompatibility or lack of willingness on one or both sides to compromise selfish ideals for the good of the other or the collective.

But I wouldn't give up if you truly love them and want the best for them. Just keep working through it and try to find something you would both be happy with. Introspect a lot as well to see if the things you seek from a residence are self-centered or relationship-centered and adjust your expectations accordingly. And then communicate with as much respect, care, peace, and open-mindedness as possible for the best chance at a win-win scenario.

I would like to say that the original question is extremely succinct, though, and extra information about why the move was proposed, who proposed it, and why, could change perceptions and judgments of the situation.


I study (all of the 8) cognitive functions, cognitive attitudes, charges (pessimism/optimism), temperaments, and interaction styles of each type. I use the type grid to type as it is quicker than considering each type one by one. Plus, the 4 sides of the mind can be helpful (but useless if you haven't mastered the rest). Since there is little to no research on it, it can be difficult to find accurate information that isn't confusing.

However, the logic behind it all is actually really solid. The basic functions describe how we perceive (S/N) and judge (F/T) ourselves and the world around us. They are basic human functions that have developed through evolution to perceive the physical and social realities of our universe in order for life to survive and to thrive. The perception functions perceive time and space (the most fundamental laws we know of that govern our universe). Sensing functions perceive what has happened before and is currently happening (time that has passed and the present), as well as the things that are real (physical environment (Se) and the physical body one inhabits (Si)) and have been real. Intuition functions perceive future time. This one can be harder to grasp but also makes sense - to have intuition about something is to have a guess about how something is going to go in the future. The reason the intuition functions are connected to wants and desires is because wants are something we want, not something we have. Therefore, they are automatically future related, not present. This is why Intuitives are often referred to as daydreamers - they are more concerned with potential time than they are past and present time. Ne is concerned with what others want and what paths are possible in the future for others and the collective. Ni is concerned with the individual's desires and what future path they want for themselves.

Mathematically speaking,

  • If N = want, (future time)
  • Then Ni (Introverted Intuition) = I want
  • And Ne (Extraverted Intuition) = You/We/They want

  • If S = need, (present and past time)

  • Then Si (Introverted Sensing) = I need

  • And Se (Extraverted Sensing) = You/We/They need

  • If F = feel,

  • Then Fi (Introverted Feeling) = I feel

  • And Fe (Extraverted Feeling) = You/We/They feel

  • If T = think,

  • Then Ti (Introverted Thinking) = I think

  • And Te (Extraverted Thinking) = You/We/They think

Everything humans perceive and judge is through all of these functions at once. We all have all 8, just like we all have to have all the organs that make our lives possible (Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule, but they do not make the rule).

Cognitive functions are our psychological biology, a mental blood type if you will. Lots more research has to be done, but the fact that we speak all of the 8 functions daily in our language (just think how many times a day you hear things like I want/I need/I feel/I think and not to mention the many synonyms that are used to convey the same things) demonstrates that this is our cognitive blueprint and we rely on it every day to communicate our perceptions and judgements and constantly modify them in order to understand reality better. Our type is our nature, and though nurture and deliberate maturation and growth affect our personality in different ways, our biological blueprint doesn't change.

This all being said, actually typing accurately is very hard, and I find it takes a lot more time than people realize. Most typings are very likely to be inaccurate (even my own) since definitions of functions online are often vague and inaccurate in the first place, and it takes lots of different kinds of skillls to separate yourself from your own cognitive pull and perceive and judge others and yourself accurately. It takes an immense amount of time, introspection, thinking with and without others and effort to understand this stuff and often a lot of pain that comes along with actually understanding the full detailed extent of all your shortcomings, character flaws, mistakes and opportunities for growth. Mind you, these are flaws your own mind might be trying to hide from you because it is easier for our egos to handle being right than being wrong about ourselves. This is even if you have the logic figured out and have accurate definitions. We are still all fallible by default and more than likely to make mistakes. So take all the typings you see online with a giant mountain of salt. Even your own type should be up in the air unless you have dedicated hours on end to understanding yourself and being brutally honest with who you are, who you've been and who you'd like to be.

I could go on about this for hours, so if you have questions or anything I said was confusing, I would love to discuss and clarify!!