NTA and there's no such thing as "too honest." The truth can be painful but people still need to hear it. It sucks that Ria doesn't have much family but it's certainly not on YOUR family to provide that for her. If you want to be involved with her, that's your call. But the rest of them don't owe her a thing (you don't either, it's your choice to continue things or not.)

I live in the woods so I have so many squirrels I don't name them. But I have a possum that I call Fat Bastard and a feral cat I call Pretty Boy.

YTA, especially if you just sprung it on her. The simple solution is to sell your daughter the house. If you're "sick of seeing it," just don't go there; it's five hours away, so not like you have to drive by it all the time. If you do make her move, you need to pay her back for the work she did. She increased the value of your property, so you'll get a higher price from it.

No, it's Virginia Creeper. It's harmless, but poison ivy often grows near it so be on the lookout.

If a cop says it to you, the only response is "I want a lawyer." Then, STFU.

NTA. They're mean girls and you should drop out of the wedding and their lives. They'll continue to do it as this seems to be a regular thing for them.

YTA. You know this is an issue for you, then you let someone use your kitchen. I notice you said she didn't clean the pots "properly" (as in, to your standard.) Of course your utensils are going to be "misplaced," she doesn't know your organizational system. Sounds to me like she tried to clean up, she just didn't do it well enough to suit you. You have a responsibility to manage your condition-people can't read your mind, and even if they know about your condition, they may not fully understand the severity. Calling in a professional cleaning service was an asinine suggestion-sounds like something you or YOUR HUSBAND could have dealt with. It's probably best not to let other people cook in your kitchen if this is the kind of reaction you have. Apologize to your SIL.

NTA. He said it makes him uncomfortable, that's the end of it. And she should only be using the title professionally. Otherwise it's obnoxious.

NTA. She needs to find less co-dependent ways to deal with her insomnia. How did she deal with it before you started dating? You started going to bed earlier at her suggestion and she's still mad. She sounds hella controlling.

NTA. Mabel needs to learn when to shut TF up. Her intentions were good but she does NOT understand your pain. My long-term BF died several years ago, and I would never compare my pain to that of his mother-that was her CHILD; that's on a whole other level.

NTA. He should have asked you before he just came over and started chopping. He had NO RIGHT to do that, you didn't ASK for his help.

NTA. Lie. He can't read your mind. And stop snitching on yourself-you created this problem by telling him you do it, then bringing it up during a fight. I rarely recommend lying but this one is harmless and will save you both a lot of grief. This is controlling behavior and a red flag, but I'm not suggesting you break up over it-just make a note of it for your files.

JFC YTA. The more I read, the angrier I got. So, because you are insecure, you want to keep your wife locked up at home, with no friends or social life outside of you. Your children are nearly grown, they don't need her as much, so she's reconnected with a friend who she has similar interests with and is happy. And you want to take all that away from her because you're "uncomfortable." You impregnated her and stole her future, and killed all the ambitions she had for life after college, and you're throwing a tantrum because now that she FINALLY has a little breathing room, she's doing things for herself. Grow TF up.
I hope she leaves you, as you sound like an incredibly selfish, emotionally immature chore of a person.

Nope. A mother should only have to ask once for someone to give them their child. Her feelings are hurt? Well the truth is often painful and she seriously needed to be taken down a peg.

I don't have one because I don't care if people think I'm cool or not. Life's too short, I like what I like. One of the most beautiful aspects of aging is you stop giving a juicy rat's ass what other people think. It's quite freeing.

Look them straight in the eye and say, "What is that supposed to mean?" Make them explain their bullshit and watch them choke. This comment also works well on men who make asinine comments about women. Or vice versa, I reckon.

Then, while they're still sputtering, say, "If I was as stupid as you, I wouldn't have the confidence to speak in public."

Someone beat me to "eat a dick," so I'll suggest "eat my ass."

or they can eat a buffet of dicks. That's my favorite (stolen from the show Archer.)

NTA. You aren't invited but are expected to shell out all this money AND give her a FREE cake for 200 people? Nah, fuck 'em. You made the right decision moving away from those toxic assholes, you should go NC. They sound horrible.