So I am a 32 yo single mother, with one 8/yo son. We recently moved across country only being in our home for around 3-4 months. Since spring has sprung, everyone is out doing yardwork. I have to have a garden every year as it's something I enjoy having and doing. Just the other day, it was quite early, my son was still sound asleep when I heard the neighbor across the road out weed eating, than, I thought "why does he sound super close to my house"?! I am peeking out my bedroom window looking everywhere till I see him coming right under my bedroom window, just weed eating around my house, already did the hole front of my house making me realize he was doing mine even before doing his own. Well, my son picked out some berry plants he wanted me to plant and we made it a day to plant them. I know my neighbor seen us out planting them. Also put strawberries in front of the house and I marked with the big paper that came with the bulbs and stuck it into the ground so I knew where I planted each plant. Clearly visible to everyone I asked after this incident and from what was left. Anyway, I panicked and ran to my back door where the neighbor was he turns and sees me standing there, he just waved and continues around my property. I ran outside and had to yell for him to stop and said "you just chopped all of my plants I had planted" he says "on yea, and where is this, show me" I said "you go onto your own property!" I'm super socially awkward as I've been through a lot.... He gets this mean look in his eyes and yells "well since your going to be that way! To H√ with you and helping you!!" Than proceeds to go to his house yelling out loud to his wife " F that B!! I am NEVER helping her again!!!!" My poor son was almost in tears when he found out. So AITAH?! Should I not have been so upset with him?! Should I apologize?! Idk I don't want animosity with the neighbors right away. I can't help but he jealous that they still have all of their flowers blooming all around their home too... Idk?